Using Your Time Wisely

Using Your Time Wisely

In a day of endless scrolling on the phone, it is especially important that we be sure we are using our time wisely. Perhaps if we were to set the phone down more and apply ourselves to what actually needs to be done, that would help us well on our way. It sounds funny to […]

All the Time in the World

All the Time in the World

One thing that we have in common with everyone else is that we have all the time in the world. Whether we are old or young, rich or poor, a college graduate or still in high school, we are all given 24 hours in a day. What we do with this time is so important. […]

Busy vs Productive

From time to time I struggle with the concern that I'm busy being busy vs productive. Does this ever happen to you?

Do you ever find yourself getting busier and busier and wonder if you’ve overstepped from actually accomplishing things into just doing busy work? Most likely you’ll have one of two responses: (1) Uhh, nope – don’t struggle there… or (2) Yes! I thought I was the only one! I’m just going to move forward assuming […]