Happy Spring!

Happy Spring! May you find refreshment in this new season! Whatever your lesson, opportunity, or situation, make the most of it!

Happy Spring! Welcome to warmer weather, longer evenings and a fresh new season! Spring is one of my most favorite times of the year! I love how the crisp mornings give way to warmer days! The light breeze that blows through and refreshes. And the blossoms and blooms that color the yards and fields. It’s […]

Oh Happy Day

Choose to be happy, not because you've never been sad or discouraged, but because we serve a remarkable God and He has placed us in an incredible time with an excite role to fill! Learn to play your role exceptionally well! People might misunderstand, but some of us will get it - and the ones who get it and appreciate it, we're the ones that count! 

“Oh happy day!” That’s how I titled my photo one dreary afternoon at the shop. The weather was dark, cold, and what many might refer to as ‘miserable’. So why did I label my photo as ‘Happy’ on such a dreary day? Because happiness is a choice. You can either choose it and live with […]

A New Paradigm

That's what having a new paradigm is all about, finding joy in what you do so that you can do it with a grateful heart. Joy and gratitude are two of the most essential things in life and you must experience them in every single aspect. 

Do you know what a paradigm is? It is the way you look at or think about something, similar to a perspective. One typically has a particular paradigm that they look at different life situations through. It is not uncommon to hear that students do not like their studies. That is the paradigm they have […]

Living a Life of Luxury

Living a Life of Luxury

Living a Life of Luxury Do you want to live a life of luxury? I know I do! Several years ago I realized that I get to choose, to a certain extent, what type of life I want to live. You see, I was busy pinching pennies, spending as little as I possibly could, and […]

50 Things that Make Me Happy!

50 Things That Make Me Happy!

50 Things that Make Me Happy! My sister asked me the other day if I’d like her to share a link with me on blog topic suggestions. I hadn’t really thought about looking for topic suggestions, I seem to have a running subject or two in my head, but I really appreciated her thinking of […]

Count it All Joy!

Count it All Joy

Count it All Joy I think about joy a lot. How to be joyful, how to share joy, how to work joyfully. Joy is defined as ‘the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying‘. Can you imagine finding joy in every single thing in life? That’s where the all […]

Feelings aren’t a Bad Thing

Feelings aren't a Bad Thing

Feelings are powerful things. They can cause us to feel so excited and on top of the world or they can leave us feeling humiliated and disheartened. Embrace the positive feelings that are lovely and enthusiastic! Let them shape you, encourage you and inspire you! Let them make you a kinder, sweeter, more thoughtful Lady. […]

Just One More Thing

Just One More Thing

“Oh, I’ll do that!” I keep finding myself volunteering for more projects, just one more thing – and they are all great projects, and I want to help, but if I stop and begin to consider what I’ve agreed to do it can seem like a lot. It’s not like I’ve agreed to do everything, by […]

Today is the Present

Today is the Present - Stop and Smell the Roses! ♥

“Yesterday is called the past. Tomorrow is called the future. Today is the present because it is a gift.” That’s what my grandmother always told me. And I must agree, every day is a special day! Some days are filled with special, wonderful moments and other days are difficult and it’s hard to find the […]