Where is life taking you this year? You’ve been praying for God’s guidance, you’ve been praying for specific things, and maybe that’s not what’s currently in front of you. Trust that God knows right where He has you and give it your all. Pretend that what’s presented to you – an opportunity, a job, whatever […]
Dream Big Again
Dream Big Again – I read that phrase the other day and it really resounded with me! I want to be sure I dream big, because I serve an incredible, unlimited God! This year has been one of a lot of work, long hours, and wait-and-see situations. Reading that phrase sparked something inside of me! […]
What Could Go Right
Instead of wondering about things not working out, what if you considered what could go right. What if things were to come together in your favor. Your hopes, your dreams, all coming together in God’s perfect time – that’s a beautiful dream and a beautiful way to think. You know we don’t get brownie points […]
You Never Know What Is Preparing You
You never know what is preparing you. Seriously, it is rather fascinating to consider. Do you ever look back at certain things in your past and suddenly have an epiphany of what that was preparing you for? Or even realize that if it weren’t for the experience you had had in one area, you never […]
Delight Yourself in the Lord
“Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” -Psalm 37:4 Do you take time to delight yourself in the Lord? To build a closer relationship with Him and get to know Him more personally? Church and church groups are nice, but if you don’t already, learn to look […]
Examine Where You Are
I think it is important to examine where you are. To consider where you’ve come from and celebrate the progress, and then also to ponder what is ahead. Life is an ongoing journey, with ups and downs, rhythms and unexpected surprises. Personally, I don’t want to look back with regrets or gloom, but rather embrace […]
Making Adjustments Along the Way
There is so much freedom in making adjustments along the way. Be it in regards to your schedule, your plans, your projects, etc, knowing that you can tweak the details along and along is incredibly freeing. We might set goals and have expectations, but as we get each step closer it is good to evaluate […]
Phenomenal Growth
Let’s make this the year of phenomenal growth! Projects accomplished, opportunities taken, conversations had, and potential realized! Can you even imagine what an amazing life you might live if you stepped confidently into where God has you instead of holding back, listening to fears, and playing it safe? Why not incorporate courage and boldness into […]
When One Door Closes
“When one door closes another opens.” – Alexander Graham Bell First off, I had no idea this saying was credited to Alexander Graham Bell! Closed doors typically surprise me. I guess I don’t often feel that the answer in life is very often no. Rather “wait” seems to be the result of the unknown. Rarely […]
Scared and Excited
Seeing dreams come to pass can be scary. This never fails to surprise me. If they are dreams of mine – or even something I’m hoping for – then why is it intimidating and scary, in addition to being exciting?! I remember a line out of a movie I saw ages ago and the main […]