Happy 2025!

Happy 2025

Happy 2025! Can you even believe it is here? It sounds kind of funny to say it, but I’ve always found the number 25 to be intriguing and exciting. It’s not because age 25 stands out in my mind – I honestly couldn’t really tell you anything of great merit about it. But for some […]

Odds and Ends

Odds and Ends

Next up on the agenda, around the day to day, is odds and ends – in addition to making plans for the new year. The rush and the hurry and the prep of Black Friday is now behind us. True, things will probably be steady busy through the New Year, but the biggest shopping day […]

Goal Check

Now that we are halfway through the year, how about we do a goal check? How have you done on the plans you made for the year? Are you at the halfway mark? It is completely fine to adjust your goals based on shifting circumstances or timelines you didn’t anticipate. I really think that is […]

Plans for 2023

Plans for 2023

Do you have plans for 2023? It will be here soon so it’s best to start thinking about it before it arrives! Typically by now I’ve bought a planner and am looking at my goals. Though I’ve had them in the back of my mind, I confess I’ve not given them the consideration I like […]

Promises, Protection, and Provision

Promises, Protection, and Provision

In the midst of my work, these three Ps hit me: Promises, Protection, and Provision. Sometimes things are murky or times are uncertain, and to know that we can always look to God because His faithfulness is perfect is a terrific comfort! As I paused my work and considered these three Ps, I decided I […]

Establishing Habits that Work for You

Establishing Habits

Do you realize how effective well-established habits can be? Do you ever look at others and admire how they look, how they handle themselves or how much they can get done? I know I do. If you notice these things about others with any kind of consistency you can be sure it is due to […]

Making the Most of Opportunities

Making the Most of Opportunities

Do you like to seize opportunities? To make the most of them? It’s something new that I am trying – and I must say that I recommend it! Opportunities can be obvious or they can be subtle. You might feel inspired to further investigate them or you might feel intimidated and shy away from them. […]

Your Plans My Dreams

Your Plans My Dreams

Your Plans My Dreams As I shared a few posts ago, recently I have begun praying that God would make His plans my dreams. That He would capture my heart and my attention and focus and goals and plant His plans for me in them so that I am always pursuing what He has for […]

Little by Little

Little by Little

Little by Little This week I have had the opportunity to work on some large goals. But like so many things in life there are distractions, exceptions to the schedule, things you don’t count on and you have to remember to remain flexible. The progress that I hoped to make over the course of the […]

Why Are You Going to College?

Why Are You Going to College?

Once you graduate, you are headed to college, right? Seems like most people take it for granted. Sure it can be expensive, but you can always apply for scholarships. And what about needing a vehicle to get around between campus, the grocery store, and home? Where will this money come from? Parents, perhaps? Or loans? […]