Our Best Days Are Ahead

Our Best Days Are Ahead

Our best days are ahead and incredible things are coming! I don’t know about you, but it seems as if life is in a bit of an uproar right now. I barely look at the news and all I see is conflict, unrest, and division. Praise God for the Bible and His direction and peace! […]

We are in a War

We are in a War

We are in a war: good vs evil, right vs wrong, moral vs immoral. I am going to present a conversation I have been having a lot lately in regards to this: The world is getting so evil, the Lord will surely be coming back any day, right? No man knows, not even the Son. […]

You Never Know What Is Preparing You

You Never Know What Is Preparing You blog

You never know what is preparing you. Seriously, it is rather fascinating to consider. Do you ever look back at certain things in your past and suddenly have an epiphany of what that was preparing you for? Or even realize that if it weren’t for the experience you had had in one area, you never […]

Delight Yourself in the Lord

Delight Yourself in the Lord blog

“Delight yourself in the LORD; And He will give you the desires of your heart.” -Psalm 37:4 Do you take time to delight yourself in the Lord? To build a closer relationship with Him and get to know Him more personally? Church and church groups are nice, but if you don’t already, learn to look […]

Take Things to the Next Level

Take Things to the Next Level

Sometimes being overly busy can translate to doing things half-heartedly. As I logged on to my blog today and watched it slowly sign in, it struck me that I needed to upgrade it in someway. To take things to the next level. How? I need to do some research and look into that. I also […]

Back to School

Back to School

It’s that time of year: back to school! As a child, I loved anticipating the school year approaching. I remember my mom stacking up my books, getting everything ready for the first day. My parents homeschooled me throughout all my school years. A few of my older siblings went to school briefly, but then my […]

His Blessings Often Come Disguised

Blessings often come disguised

His blessings often come disguised – a line that caught my eye in a book that I’m about to finish reading. The author is talking about the importance of faithful prayer and how God always answers it. He says that often our prayers are answered in ways we don’t understand, but that God’s blessings often […]

Never Take Counsel of Your Fears

Never Take Counsel of Your Fears blog

General Stonewall Jackson was approached by a timorous subordinate general who admitted grave doubts about a planned military sortie. “General Jackson,” he said, “I’m afraid of this. I fear we can’t quite carry it off.” Jackson replied, “General, never take counsel of your fears.” I came across this quote in a book I’ve read and […]


Fight, Fight, Fight

After barely escaping an assassination attempt, instead of crawling to safety, President Trump stood and encouraged We the People to fight, fight, fight. God bless that man and praise God for keeping him safe. He has been fighting ever since he first began running for President. At first the attacks against him were more sneaky, […]

Values Over Feelings

Values Over Feelings blog

I so appreciate learning new ways to think about things. New perspectives and takes inspire me greatly! The other day I was listening to Charlie Kirk give a talk to some group and he brought up an excellent point – we should prioritize our values over feelings. Feelings will ebb and flow, change dramatically depending […]