Get on the Rig

Get on the Rig

Get on the rig, words from a powerful reminder that I wanted to share with you, but first let me share a bit of a back story. We go back 20 years, back to the Twin Towers, the day they came down. Father Mychal Judge was the chaplain of a New York City fire station. […]

A Change of Heart

A Change of Heart

Have you ever had a change of heart about something? Although it has probably happened more times than I could say, I have known myself to have a complete change of opinion in some situations. It is rather curious, really, but also fascinating to find myself doing a complete 180. Now that I’ve recognized the […]

All Things Work Together

All Things Work Together

We read in the Bible that all things work together for God’s people. This promise is specifically and exclusively for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according […]

Consider it a Privilege

Consider it a Privilege

I love how one’s perspective can have such an enormous bearing on how one sees things! I often find that when I’m struggling the most that it is because I haven’t determined a good way to think about something. Everything comes back to your attitude and how you look at things. The glass can be […]

How to Become an Exceptional Worker

How to Become an Exceptional Worker

There seems to be a void when it comes to finding good help. Perhaps it is the lack of training or the absence of personal responsibility. At any rate, what can we do about it? How can we work on ourselves and inspire others? Setting goals, holding ourselves accountable, and keeping our word are a […]

To Bring Glory to God

Why are you designed the way you are? Have you ever questioned your looks or capabilities...perhaps there is more to them then you at first believed!

I was helping his little brother get ready for church. As I recall, he wearing an adorable pair of khakis and button up vest – the perfect little outfit for a little man. “Can I ask you something, Auntie,” my nephew asked cautiously. “What is it, sweetheart?” I asked. “Why do you, umm, have trouble […]

Interest Increases Value

Value - true value - is just waiting for you to discover it!

I’m not sure I’ll ever truly develop the earnest desire to sort and file a pile of papers. But ‘not feeling like it’ is not an option for me. My job requires me to keep many papers organized and available. I can avoid filing and organizing until I have an overwhelming amount or I can […]

There’s Always Room at the Top!

There's Always Room at the Top!

There’s always room at the top. There’s no need to be concerned that you’ll just be another person in the world, you can be remarkable and really shine brightly! I love that. I find it so encouraging and inspiring! It seems that it can be applied to most every area of your life. It’s about […]

Consider the Source

Consider the Source

Consider the Source Sometimes people give input. Sometimes that input can be unsettling, or even discouraging. On the contrary, people who love you do their best to give intelligent, helpful feedback. It truly surprised me, years ago when I had first started one of my small businesses, an individual whom I had never sold to […]