Encourage One Another

Encourage One Another

“Encourage one another and build each other up.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Isn’t it a blessing that God gives us people in our lives – family, friends and even random acquaintances to interact with and encourage? Times can look bleak and dark in the world around us, but if we look closer to home, where God […]

A Little Leaven

A Little Leaven blog

Have you ever heard the phrase a little leaven leavens the whole loaf? The idea comes from a small amount of yeast (or probably even sourdough starter) mixed into bread, spreads throughout the entire loaf, causing it to rise and reach it’s full potential. The same thing goes for sin also. Allowing a little bit […]

The Parable of Talents

The Parable of Talents

I heard an interesting take on the Parable of Talents that gave me a new perspective and dimension. I hope it inspires you as it has me! The Parable of Talents “Again, the Kingdom of Heaven can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. He called together his servants […]

The Future Is Bright

The Future is Bright blog

With God for you, the future is bright! Staying upbeat and joyful in the midst of all the noise of the day is so important. Scripture encourages and reminds us, with God for us who dare be against us? When we give our best to God, seek to follow Him well, our future is bright. […]

Don’t Give Up

Don't Give Up blog

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.” – Galatians 6:9 Rain Dancing Have you ever heard about the old Indian man who was the best rain dancer of them all? Let’s back up a little […]

Can You Even Imagine?

Can you even imagine what God has in store for you? If you follow His word and live a life to please Him, you can be sure that remarkable days are ahead!

Can you even imagine what God has in store for you? If you follow His word and live a life to please Him, you can be sure that remarkable days are ahead! Expect the Best We really ought to expect the best, anticipate good things, and make the most of where we are. The simple […]

Choose Faith Over Fear

Choose Faith Over Fear blog

Sometimes our mind races, concerns pop up, worst-case-scenarios play in our heads. And sometimes it’s over the smallest things. We’ve learned to choose faith in the big things that could potentially be very concerning. But what about the little things? The pesky ones that almost don’t deserve mention? I can’t help but think those are […]

The Lord Will Provide

The Lord Will Provide blog

The Lord will provide. Aren’t those words so calming and reassuring?! Whenever things get crazy or out of control, it is such a comfort to know that He has the whole world, everything, in His hands! We have probably all gone through bits of famine, time or resources were tight and we wondered how it […]

Switching Gears

Switching Gears

Do you ever have a plan, an expectation, a particular way you expect things to work out and then they don’t? You are caught off guard and can either really spin your wheels or instead take a breath and switch gears. Ideally, you are able to switch gears, to take the surprising situation and make […]

Making Adjustments Along the Way

Making Adjustments Along the Way

There is so much freedom in making adjustments along the way. Be it in regards to your schedule, your plans, your projects, etc, knowing that you can tweak the details along and along is incredibly freeing. We might set goals and have expectations, but as we get each step closer it is good to evaluate […]