Bold Prayer

Bold Prayer

Earlier this week, I read a bold prayer. This prayer inspired me. I hope it does the same for you! I was reading about a man in the Bible called Jabez. Very little is said about him other than he was more honorable than all his brothers. The next verse was a record of his […]

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming overwhelm is possible. This is vital for us to remember as we go about our days! Personally, I think of overwhelm as a season. It comes and it goes as we conquer and move forward. Overwhelm has many different facades, and can strike anyone at anytime. How can we conquer, overcome, and move past […]

Make the Most of it

Make the Most of it

Last week we talked about fearing failure – the real struggles that we face and how to overcome them and press forward. Now let’s talk about blooming where we are planted. Yes, we’ve discussed such things before but does encouragement and a fresh perspective for the everyday life ever get old? Make the Most of […]

Fearing Failure

Fearing failure is a common struggle. One we have all worked through or are currently working through. But what if I told you failure wasn’t worth fearing? Would that startle you? Give you a new found hope? This thought occurred to me the other day. It was early and I was on my way to […]

Bright Hope for Tomorrow

Recently I was asked what the books I wrote were about. Somehow this and similar questions kept catching me off guard each time I was asked. You see The American Lady started off as just a blog. Thoughts, ideas, and inspiration shared at random. I knew the goal was to encourage ladies to be remarkable. […]

Green Pastures Ahead

No matter what you are going through right now, I am delighted to tell you that there are green pastures ahead! I realize that I have found myself in conversations with others recently and the underlying theme is “it’s always something.” Typically this is in response to a struggle or concern that the individual or […]

Don’t Get Distracted

Note to self: don’t get distracted. I’m sure you’ve been there: you have a lot of things to do, but somehow you find yourself bouncing around between tasks not really accomplishing anything. I have to, believe me. The simplest, fastest tasks can take all day when we allow ourselves to wander. We have to practice […]

Inspiration is Everywhere

It is said that you will find what you look for. I love to look for inspiration. It fuels my days and fills me with hope! And when I look around, I find that inspiration is everywhere. Let me share some fresh inspiration I have recently found or realized. Sometimes it is a phrase from […]

Blessed Assurance

As I mentioned before, I so enjoy the hymn Blessed Assurance. I thought it would be interesting to look up the origin of the hymn and it’s author to learn about and share with you! As I did some research, I learned a few fascinating things about the author, Fanny Crosby, that I hadn’t known! […]

Word of the Year

Happy 2020! Have you picked your word of the year yet? I confess I hadn’t until just today. Having a word of the year isn’t vital. Your work and your days won’t be so very different if you don’t have one. On the other hand, having a word can help steer you toward your goals! […]