Life can get busy, can’t it? We race and we hurry and things can get lost in the shuffle. Knowing this, it is vital that we make time and opportunity to grow in our faith. More than just church on Sunday. As representatives of God, it is our duty to pursue Him and give Him […]
Beauty in the Details
Life is curious, isn’t it? The ups and downs, the opportunities and closed doors. And such beauty in the details. The how and why, the puzzle pieces that fit together out of something that you might never has seen coming. How it All Began Three years ago to the day, I received a phone call […]
Take a Walk
Stop and smell the roses, pause and take a walk. The weather has been absolutely gorgeous here in the South Carolina Lowcountry lately. Positively refreshing and energizing! In the midst of work and busyness, I’ve been enjoying slipping away for just a few minutes to get some fresh air and clear my head. I love […]
The Best is Yet to Come
The best is yet to come – I love that reminder! It reminds me that bright days are ahead and that we always have something to anticipate! This applies whether days are cloudy or bright! God is a God of abundance and increase – He can always add to what is. This is always so […]
Consider it a Privilege
I love how one’s perspective can have such an enormous bearing on how one sees things! I often find that when I’m struggling the most that it is because I haven’t determined a good way to think about something. Everything comes back to your attitude and how you look at things. The glass can be […]
Eyes on the Prize
Eyes on the Prize – catchy title, wouldn’t you say?! Humorously, I probably picked up the phrase from a Hallmark or some such. But what we’re talking about here is something deeper, longer lasting, and further out. Think of your goal(s) as your prize. To pursue these goals and these efforts leads you closer to […]
America First
America First is an inspiring reminder of who we are and what we represent! For too long, patriotism, love of country, and love of God has been looked down on. People have been belittled and even reprimanded for excluding others when showing preference for their country and people first. Things that we know are wrong […]
Coming Back from Burnout
Coming back from burnout is vital. Ideally you don’t ever actually hit burnout, but if you should, it is crucial to do an about face, take stock of what caused it and remedy the situation. I confess I near burnout from time to time. And I’ll be the first to diagnose the situation and tell […]
Behind the Scenes at Home and in America
A lot goes on behind the scenes – in everyday life, in work, in running a home, and in running a country. Even though it may feel like nothing is happening, no progress is being made, I think it is very important to remember that what we see is only the tip of the iceberg. […]
Never Lose Hope
We must never lose hope! No situation, no matter how grim or frightening is too big for God. If we give up, then we have given up on God. Now this doesn’t mean that we aren’t human and don’t get down. God created us as humans and He doesn’t expect us to be perfect – […]