Wait for it

Wait for it

Wait for it – whatever your “it” is. If your goal is God’s best and you are looking for His direction, there is no wait too long. These words ring true, and I truly believe them, but if you are at all like me actually living them is where the challenge is. What can we […]

How to Make Lemonade

How to Make Lemonade

Do you know how to make lemonade? It’s really quite simple not to mention delicious and refreshing! Lemonade 5 cups water 1 cup lemon juice 1 cup sugar Lemonade is tastiest made with freshly squeezed lemon juice. To get the most from your lemons, allow them to come to room temp before juicing. I recommend […]

Start Where You Are

Start Where You Are

Do you ever find yourself at a loss – plenty to do, but unsure of where to actually begin? To be honest, I find myself in this predicament relatively frequently. Maybe it’s because we have a lot going on or perhaps it is because we are not the best at time management. Either way, beginning […]

All the Answers

All the Answers

I don’t have all the answers. Not that I pretend to by any stretch, but sometimes I’m reminded of that in new and different ways. I know where to look for the answers – the Bible. And I know Who has all the answers – God. Yet sometimes I am left unsure of where to […]

Appreciate the Little Things

Appreciate the Little Things

How often do we take things for granted? I find the busier I get, the more I tend to overlook my blessings. And it’s not that I do this on purpose – who does? – but rather that I get lazy in my gratitude. But that’s what we’re going to consider today, just how important […]

Take a Stand

Take a Stand

What is important to you? Why is it important to you? And when the time comes, are you willing to take a stand for what you believe to be right? Boldness Having the courage to take a stand requires a certain boldness. Often as Christians, we are called to stand in opposition to what the […]

All Things Work Together

All Things Work Together

We read in the Bible that all things work together for God’s people. This promise is specifically and exclusively for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according […]

Common Sense

Common Sense

Common sense – some people seem blessed with it while others don’t. What is it and how do you cultivate it in your life? On one hand, I think of common sense as walking around sense. Just knowing and understanding the basics of life. Founded on the Ten Commandments and derived from that. The Ten […]

Life is a Journey

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey – highs and lows, twists and turns, red lights and green lights. And yet our journey is all set out for us. Our GPS is all programmed. Yes, we may get rerouted or hit dead ends (or, let’s face it, construction!), but ultimately as children of God, He has already planned […]

What a Difference a Day can Make

What a Difference

What a difference a day can make! Opportunities are in front of us, conversations waiting to be had. If only we realized our God-given potential, we would never again underestimate the value of a day! A friend reminded me of that this morning. In other words, but along the lines of “get up and get […]