I recently bought a pretty sign for my room, “Be Strong and Courageous”. This reminder is priceless and precious and repeated throughout Scripture. Be strong and courageous. It even is so specific as to say, do not be discouraged or afraid.
That simple verse speaks volumes to me on so many levels. Don’t be discouraged. Wow. How often, do I acknowledge that I know circumstances aren’t reality, they are simply my perception. And yet that perception has me discouraged. But right there, numerous times in Scripture, we are reminded to be strong and courageous.
Be Strong
What does being strong entail? Physical? Emotional? Spiritual? Certainly all of the above. And where do we find this strength? It comes from God Himself. This means, incredibly enough, that we will never run out of strength. Remember when Paul wrote that he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him? He meant every word of it. And we can claim that same strength every single day, in every situation.
Do you know what spiritual strength entails? Learning about God, reading His word, and realizing who He is. We will never get to the end of discovering all that He means to us and does on our behalf. The more we learn, the more we realize we don’t yet know. But at the same time, we learn truths that we can build our lives on and confidently claim. God is with us always. He knows the beginning and the end of all things. He’s never surprised, He holds the whole world in His hands, orchestrating all things for our good. And the list goes on and on.
Once we begin to understand the incredible role that God plays in our lives, we can be full of spiritual strength. No longer a victim to every new situation that affects us, but secure in God’s plan for our lives. Claim the strength that can be found in Him alone and be strong!
Full of Courage
Are you courageous? Or do you deal with apprehension and nervousness? I’m not saying that I don’t get a bit nervous from time to time, but I work hard to keep my eyes on the goal and on what God needs me to show up and accomplish.
What precisely is courage? As defined by the Webster’s 1828: “that quality of mind which enables men to encounter danger and difficulties with firmness, or without fear or depression of spirits.” Ooh, that courage wasn’t so uncommon! To step up with boldness and clarity, confidence and certainty.
Do you know courage is like a muscle you can strengthen? The more we use it, the more confident and courageous we become. The key is to keep our eyes on God, no matter what we face. To claim the strength and the direction God gives His people and step into it confidently.
Developing courage is vital in life. Each of us will walk through trials and conflicts, the key is to know how to navigate these times and come out stronger on the other side!
Grow Your Faith
When we realize that we live for God not ourselves, a whole new world opens up to us! Instead of working to please ourselves alone we learn to consider others. And as we learn to think of others, we have opportunity to develop important character qualities such as kindness and patience, initiative and dependability.
Read His word and learn about Him from trustworthy sources. The more you learn, the better you will be able to determine who to listen to and who to disregard. And remember, if anything ever contradicts Scripture then that information is false.
Growing our faith requires time and prayer. Be sure to make this investment – it will be the most important thing you do with your life! Even when life gets busy, be sure to keep your priorities straight. Keep God first in all things.
And as you grow, praise God for how He leads. Though we don’t always understand, we can be certain that He is a good, good Father.
Be Strong and Courageous
So today and everyday, choose to be strong and courageous! Norman Vincent Peale referred to this as imperturbability and said it was essential that Christians develop it.
Being strong specifically includes not letting little irritations ruin your day. And there will be plenty of opportunities to develop this essential trait. But consider how this is developing your character and shaping you into the person God has created you to be.
God has amazing plans He’s going to reveal to you. And much as faint heart never won fair maiden, a nervous or fearful heart never accomplished great things for God. Put on the full armor of God, claim the strength and the courage He so generously gives, and fight the good fight!
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9
Until Next Time!
PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2024/12/25/exciting-outcomes/