What’s Coming Next?

What's Coming Next

Do you ever wonder what’s coming next? Following this past year, all the work, all the efforts made, the dream of a golden age – I’m excited to see what comes from it!

This doesn’t mean that we don’t have plenty to do and accomplish. New milestones to press on towards, new dreams to dream. But isn’t it fun to consider what is on the way!

Results Of Efforts Made

This past year saw long hours of work on several fronts. Between working to maintain and grow multiple businesses, train employees, help on campaigns and show up well for family. And yet, to look back the work was all well worth it. Some things have shifted and some stayed the same. All in all, it’s a blessing to get to be part of so many things.

Where have you been working? How is it going? Do you feel like this work is from God? Sometimes the days and weeks can be long, while at the same time the months are a blur. God is amazing to provide direction as we ask and look to Him. And it is so interesting to see how things come together!

It is curious to see the direction God provides. Sometimes I pursue things or agree to work projects only to come to a halt and have to switch gears entirely. Does this mean I wasn’t listening well in the first place? Perhaps sometimes. But other times I wonder if it is an opportunity to show God our obedience and follow His lead. Flexible to switch gears however He directs.

Heartfelt Gratitude

As I see some projects completed, I feel such a heartfelt gratitude for the mission accomplished! Be it work projects or personal projects, I’m so grateful for the thrill of completion.

I think it is important to pause and really appreciate the culmination of our work. It helps fuel us better for upcoming projects. And I can’t help but think that the simple act of gratitude is a form of praise to God! We should be sure to give thanks in all circumstances, not just when things come together according to our plans.

We should also be sure to direct our thanks toward all those who help us to accomplish so much. From delicious meals, to a cozy home, or good company to work with, it’s so important to let others know that we appreciate all they bring to our lives!

I cannot tell you how many times my niece made me chocolate cupcakes just because she knew I liked them! I guarantee they were instrumental in my work getting completed!

New Goals and Dreams

The conclusion of projects and dreams are a wonderful time to step back and really ponder what’s coming next? A new life chapter? Perhaps moving? A change in work and schedule? There really are so many possibilities!

Or perhaps this is the time to hold steady on all you’ve worked towards up to this point. If you will lean in and seek God’s direction, you can be sure He will lead you where He needs you! Be faithful, listen well, and have hopeful expectancy! Ask God to give you a glimpse of what He has for you to do and then work faithfully towards it.

We can never miss what God has planned for us. If we pursue Him, He’ll bring it in His perfect way in His perfect time. I hold tightly to that knowledge, confident that God knows exactly where He needs me. This gives me the freedom to expectantly anticipate the dreams in my heart while I work on what God has placed right in front of me!

Seeing life as an adventure is a wonderful way to live expectantly! Work to find the joy and the possibility that greets you each day!

Always Press On

Even when you don’t know, make a habit of asking what’s coming next. Knock on doors, seek opportunities to keep growing, work to be the best you can be.

When all is said and done, it is a Christian’s duty to be all that they can be. To represent God in incredible ways and to serve others well. And one day, may we be worthy of hearing the words, “well done, good and faithful servant!”

Keep pressing on, seek an adventure-filled life, and represent God well!

Until Next Time!


PS. Find fresh inspiration: https://www.theamericanlady.com/category/ideas/

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