Isn’t it amazing the difference it makes to invite God in? Into the details of your life and your goals, your hopes and dreams? True, God is ever present, but He likes it when we call on Him. And that should be the life goal of a Christian, to invite God into every detail of our lives!
It is vital to have an active relationship with God. To talk to Him, pray to Him, and ponder His ways and will. Don’t ever let your relationship with Him grow complacent. He loves you more than anyone ever will and He is a better friend than you can ever imagine. And somehow, incredibly enough, that is no exaggeration!
Invite God Into Your Life
I was born into a Christian family and raised right, as they say. Taught manners and taught about God. And I clearly remember come about twelve or so, one day, I got it. It wasn’t that I wasn’t trained in the way, it is just that I had to put away my childish behaviors and realize that I live to please God not myself.
What changed in my life? You might say surface things were what I remember most vividly. All of a sudden, I realized that having a bad attitude was not bringing glory to God or doing myself any favors. So I worked to keep my frustration or disappointment to myself. If I got my feelings hurt, again, I tried to not let anyone know I was hurt. Not in a dangerous bottling-it-up way, but rather in realizing I could look at these situations from a different perspective and not take everything so personally.
It was incredible the ways I began to see God at work when I invited Him into my life. Not that I hadn’t known Him prior to that, just simply when you are a child you see things from a childish perspective. I loved the shift and the true connection I discovered to Him! And do you know, for the past 25 years or so, He’s continued to reveal Himself to me in numerous and incredible ways.
Invite God Into Your Relationships
Do you ask God to work in your relationships and guide them for His glory? Be they casual or serious, God should be the center of them all. And if those you are seeking a relationship with don’t want Him there, reevaluate that relationship. The Bible clearly states that bad company corrupts good morals. As Christians we are to be the light, but not get mixed up in unsavory relationships. We are to avoid what is evil and cling to what is good.
So invite God in, confident that He will never take something from you without bringing something better. There is a saying along the lines of when you give something up for God, He will bring something so incredible that you will forget what you gave up. It’s just so much better. And I believe that! When we live for and honor Him, He will honor our efforts. That is an incredible blessing!
Keep in mind, not all relationships are meant to last forever. In fact, it would seem that perhaps only a few are. And maybe that’s to keep us closer to God, dependent on Him. So invite Him in, ask for His guidance and thank Him for His direction!
Invite God Into Your Downtime
Does it matter what you do in your downtime? A resounding yes! Everything matters. We are on this earth to bring glory to God at every waking moment. We are to die to self and live for God. Even – and perhaps especially – when we are on vacation or off work.
Does this mean you can’t enjoy yourself and have a good time? Not at all, but choose downtime that honors God. Who you are should be consistent throughout all areas of your life. That is called integrity. People are watching and you may be the glimpse they get of Christianity. Represent well.
God sets high standards for His chosen people. It is not a burden to us, but rather a duty to fulfill and an honor to be chosen! And what joy we experience when we know we have kept God first in all areas of our lives!
Invite God In
In closing, there is no area in life that you don’t need God. Invite Him in in all things. Your thought life, your projects, your work meetings – all things. Be bold in your faith. Not to hammer another person over the head with, but to reflect God well. Work to be the shining light on the hill, reflecting God and His love. Avoid what is evil and wicked, cling to what is good. Honor God in all things.
And when you find yourself stuck and don’t know what to do, submit yourself to God and ask. I can promise you that He always answers. The timeline is unknown, but if you will invite Him in and seek Him, He will reveal Himself to you! That is the God we serve!
Until Next Time!
PS. Keep reading: