Isn’t the new year kind of magical in offering us a fresh start? Not that it is really tied to the new year, I know, it’s just such a clear delineation between what we’ve been doing and what we might change and step into better.
And isn’t that what being a Christian is all about constantly fine-tuning and raising the bar and working to be our best for God?
True, we definitely want to find contentment where we are, but we also have the freedom and ability to change things up in our life to help us keep things fresh!
{No matter what time of year you may be reading this in weeks and months to come, please don’t let yourself be limited by the date on the calendar.}
Refresh Your Life
Are you excited about your life? Eager to get up in the morning? Stoked to be living and serving God? Don’t be too down on yourself if you can’t give a resounding yes to each of these questions. I would say the ideal answer would be yes, but let’s be honest, life can sometimes be a lot to navigate. But that’s why I’m here to encourage you and coach you towards answering an honest “yes” to each of these questions!
First off, let’s get on the same page: the goal answer to all of the above, in my opinion, is yes! As Christians, we are called to be enthusiastic about where God has us and to serve Him well wherever He leads. Whether we are early birds or night owls we have got to grow up and discover the importance of starting the day with a spirit of gratitude and a heart willing to serve.
Along those lines, as we’ve discussed just recently, whether or not God currently has you right were you dream of being, it is your duty to serve Him remarkably well. God specifically places each of us where He needs us and God is meticulous and doesn’t make mistakes. Without giving up on your dreams, lean in to where He has you. When you do, you will be awed at the way He works things around you. People will show up for you in incredible ways! He will bless your efforts, encourage your heart, and you will be inspired in amazing ways!
And to wrap up one more very important detail to give you a fresh start: get plenty of rest. Sleep, sleep, sleep. I get that this isn’t always an option depending on where you are and what you are doing. But make your best effort to change your schedule to get a decent amount of sleep at night. Take advantage of a Sunday afternoon and take a nap. You know where there are opportunities in your day. And if there simply aren’t any, perhaps you need to make room for them. Don’t underestimate the relief that an extra hour or two of sleep gives!
Refresh Your Relationships
Who are the most important people in your life? Do they know it? Consider how to give your relationships a fresh start, fresh attention, new life. Our people are a blessing from God and we want to be sure to cultivate our relationships well!
Perhaps you have a family member with which you don’t get along. Work on that and figure out how to make that relationship work. Now there are some instances where the desire for a good relationship is not reciprocated and I’m sorry. Give your best and live your life. Don’t chase relationships with people who don’t consider you worth it. God will bless you with people who do realize your worth, lean into those wholeheartedly.
It’s kind of funny, but I’ve realized outside of family, people really don’t have the same loyalty in friendships that I have. And that’s okay. But it’s important to realize how people grade relationships so that we don’t consider someone a best friend when they grade us merely an acquaintance. But relationships that are merely acquaintances can be helpful too, so don’t underestimate them!
Teams are also important on different relationship levels. Teams work together towards a common goal and have each others backs. They don’t have to be super intimate and personal relationships to require teamwork. Teams can include those you work with/for, people on a committee or in a coalition, or within a family. Determine to have each others back, to speak well of others, and to help strengthen the team. If there is a problem with someone, definitely go to them, but don’t listen to quibbling within a group.
Refresh Your Work
Does a fresh start look like new and different work for you? Or do you simply need to reframe your perspective? A perspective is an incredibly powerful thing and I’m so grateful that God has blessed us with this tool!
If you feel at odds where you are, pray and ask God what He has for you, and then lean in and listen. Sometimes it seems He speaks in clear English what He requires of us. Other times it seems to appear in opportunities that He directs us towards. Be strong and courageous and step up. Knock on that door, investigate that opportunity, make yourself available. As the prophet Isaiah said, “Here I am, send me.”
Be willing to step into something even if it’s outside your comfort zone. God doesn’t always call us in an obvious way towards our dream, but rather it’s a journey of getting there, showing obedience in the areas where He leads. But that’s where the adventure and mystery are, if we will only surrender enough to fully step into what God has for us!
Life of Your Dreams
If you want to live the life your dreams, you can: surrender everything to God and ask Him to place His plans in your heart. Then, as you learn to live fully for Him you can be sure He will direct your steps and protect you!
A fresh start is like a fresh perspective – it refreshes our soul! May we each learn better and better how to lean into living for God wholeheartedly! The less I fight what He has in front of me, the more I am in awe of where He leads. But it is a constant effort of surrender to self and yet boldness and courage to step up where He leads. Always listening, always praying, eager to know it is His call I’m pursuing.
May God bless you and set you on fire for Him!
PS. Keep reading: