Where is life taking you this year? You’ve been praying for God’s guidance, you’ve been praying for specific things, and maybe that’s not what’s currently in front of you. Trust that God knows right where He has you and give it your all.
Pretend that what’s presented to you – an opportunity, a job, whatever what’s “next” looks like – is a dream come true, and then figure out how to give it your best. Pray and brainstorm, work and research how to do it really well. Don’t pursue it halfheartedly.
You’ve prayed for direction and here it is clear as day right in front of you. Is it the specific prayer on your heart? No not yet, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t where God is directing you. Lean in and give it your all!
Dream Come True
What if we lived each day like it was a dream come true? A heart full of gratitude and delight, joy in what we have to do.
I can’t help but think that would help us better enjoy where God is leading us. In the Bible, it talks about showing love to others – how it is no credit to us when we love those who love us. But rather we should show love towards our enemies. The verses even go on to compare lending and doing good to others in the same parameters.
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. If you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you expect repayment, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, expecting to be repaid in full. But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them, expecting nothing in return. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” – Luke 5:32-36
Perhaps we could appropriately reframe that perspective and refocus on how we live life – what credit is it when we delight in and show up well in what we want to do, but not when we are directed places we wouldn’t choose? That puts a whole new spin on how we behave, doesn’t it? How we talk about our situations and circumstances.
Tough Love
A bit of tough love here: it is our duty – literally the least we can do – to show up well and wholeheartedly where God directs us, expecting nothing in return. He has already given us everything by giving His Son to die for our sins. We should live each day in awe that He would pay such a price for us!
I’m reminding myself just as much as you. Though He fills our lives with good things, incredible blessings, encouragement, etc, He owes us nothing. But we, on the other hand, owe Him everything. Our gratitude, sincere heart, best efforts, excellent behavior, etc. Not that we will ever repay the debt we owe – and He would never hold it over our head – it’s just important to understand where we stand.
But bearing this in mind helps us have a better perspective on life. Instead of feeling we are owed this or that, we can instead look at where we are and thank God for it. We can see each and every situation as a prime opportunity to show Him gratitude for all He has done for us.
Will our dreams ever come true? I truly believe, if you give your all to God and live within His laws, He will place dreams in your heart that He has for you. So then your mentality switches from wanting what you want, to wanting what He has for you. And that in itself is a precious, next-level dimension of living for Him!
Let’s Talk About Today
Give it your all, whatever you are facing today. Listen to what you tell others, it will help you pay better attention to your self-talk too. Are you honoring God with your words? Are you seeking to fill the role He has for you alone, here and now? Take comfort in knowing that nothing lasts forever. But perhaps if we leaned more willingly into where He has us, we could accomplish more good for Him.
God didn’t accidentally misplace you and He hasn’t lost track of time. So set aside your own apprehensions about where you are and step into all you might accomplish! Give it your all and watch what God does with a willing worker!
Don’t give up on your dreams. Ask God about them, ask Him to guide them, and pray faithfully about them. Faith is grown in the time between knowing the dream and seeing it become a reality – not losing heart and enthusiasm in the process. I really think a strong faith represents God well. It communicates – without having to say – that we trust God. And believe me when I say, there is literally no one that is more deserving of our trust!
Until Next Time!
PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2025/01/01/happy-2025/