Do you ever wonder where to begin? You want to change things up a bit, make a shift and reach for new goals, and yet you feel a bit stuck in a rut? How do you decide where to begin, what changes to make and what goals to pursue?
This is a fun question because there’s no one right answer. It requires imagination, thought and creativity!
Now Is The Time
Don’t wait for life to happen, now is the time to seize the day! We each have unique goals, dreams, and aspirations and there is no time like the present to pursue them!
With a few exceptions, I think when you catch a glimpse of a dream the answer isn’t to wait around for it to come to you, but to go out and pursue it intentionally! Now of course there are disclaimers and asterisks to go with this statement, so here’s my general rule of thumb:
If my schedule is beyond full, but I have a dream or idea of something I want to work towards, I reexamine my schedule. If there are tasks I can shift or let go of, I consider that. Perhaps one of the time consuming jobs is about to be done and then I’ll have an opening for something new. I also consider the motivation inspiring this new thing: is it fear of something or on the flipside, a new adventure I want to enjoy?
Ideally, the motivation behind something new should be delight or adventure or showing up where God is leading. Not the fear of what will happen if you don’t do it – responding out of fear is not a good route to take. Discovering something new to pursue can be exciting! Don’t postpone it too far in the future, consider how to check it out sooner rather than later.
Knock on that door, investigate that opportunity, and see where God leads next. Not all ideas come to fruition, but I think obedience is important and investigating them is a part of listening for God’s direction.
Set New Goals
I think it is perception, but I used to read a self help book and think, wow, the author really overcame this or that and must no longer deal with it – that’s incredible! But I think rather, the point is they figure out a better way to handle it and move on to address new areas.
In much the same way, we should always be leveling up, working towards the next thing, seeking new adventures. Not that we can’t pause and rest, enjoy the work we’ve done. It’s just important to keep knocking on doors, following God’s lead, continuing our work for Him!
When you run out of new goals, life can get dormant. As representatives of God, our potential to be creative is limitless! Ask Him what new goals He would have you set. What new dreams He might give you. Ask Him to inspire you in new and wonderful ways.
If you ever get hung up wondering where to begin, seeking God is the perfect place to start.
Risks and Rewards
I’ve been learning some fascinating things about risks and rewards lately. The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. Get in tune with God and listen for His lead. He has prompted some risky situations in the Bible, and He is the master of adventure!
Consider Moses parting the Red Sea. Can you even begin to fathom the risk Moses faced when he walked up to the Red Sea? The children of Israel desperate to escape the Egyptians, the Egyptians in crazed pursuit of their slaves? Talk about pressure! And yet Moses had faith, followed God’s direction and God parted the Red Sea! Just pause a minute and think about how risky that was. And then think about how rewarding it was when he stepped up and had the courage to do what God called him to do!
Now let’s talk about Peter walking on water. Christ comes up to His disciples in the middle of the night walking on water. How do you even believe your own eyes when you see that? But then, Christ calls Peter to get out of the perfectly good boat to join Him. Try to visualize that. The setting, the men. And then ponder if that had been Christ talking to you. Would you have stepped onto the water?
The point I am trying to make is this: we need to live with courage and confidence in our God. Courage to step up and follow His lead and confidence that He will direct us where He needs us. He will guide our steps and He will always make a way for us! And yes, there will be risks. But check your motivation: make sure that the goal is to honor God and follow His lead.
True Contentment
Contentment is incredibly important – vital even. And as Christians we should be grateful and faithful stewards wherever God has us. But at the same time, we should be pressing on to run our race well. To level up and take things up a notch.
It is said if you aren’t happy in this season of life, you won’t be happy in the next. So learn how to embrace the here and now. Ask God how to cultivate a spirit of gratitude for where He has you. Serving others is an effective way to get your attention off yourself and help you find more joy.
True contentment doesn’t dictate that you can’t pursue dreams and interests, but rather softens your heart towards what God has for you. God is the author of your life and knows just where He needs you and when He needs you there. So knock on doors, pursue interests, build your faith, and listen for where God leads you.
Until Next Time!
PS. Keep reading: