Back to School

Back to School

It’s that time of year: back to school! As a child, I loved anticipating the school year approaching. I remember my mom stacking up my books, getting everything ready for the first day.

My parents homeschooled me throughout all my school years. A few of my older siblings went to school briefly, but then my parents switched gears and started discovering how to educate us at home. That was an incredible gift, and I come to realize it more and more every year.

One of my favorite things about kids going back to school is the schedule it inspires. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for a random, relaxing day. But there’s something to be said about structured days of getting things done.

Homeschool Benefits

It is interesting, homeschool has come a long way since my school days. It is more prevalent, less looked down on, and perhaps even more achievable to your average parent. There are more courses and curricula and many intriguing options that I didn’t know about when I was in school.

Being an employer now, I notice things about the different high schoolers we hire. Some are public schooled, some private, and others homeschooled. I’ve always had an inclination to homeschool my own children, and working with other students from different environments further cements my inclinations.

Simple things really add up – the ability to alphabetize products, address an envelope, figure change, etc. These things really matter, plus so many deeper things too. Attitude, interactions, morals, etc. When you homeschool your children you can teach them proper behavior. Then when they are with their friends they will better know how to handle situations and conversations that may arise.

Homeschooling and training your children doesn’t just stop with their education. It is your opportunity to train them for life! To encourage them to make continual efforts to become all they can be for God!

Past the School Years

What about once you’ve graduated high school and you are done with the obligatory K-12 years? Consider carefully what you pursue. I have this conversation frequently with the girls we employ.

Pray, seek wise counsel from those you trust, consider what God is calling you towards. Don’t just automatically jump in to college. If you don’t know what you’re going to take, don’t start without a destination in mind. There are plenty of places looking for good workers who will be grateful for your application. This is beneficial to both the business and you too. Most everywhere needs workers and it will give you real-life experience to help you determine if this is somewhere you want to focus your future and efforts!

I know far too many people with college degrees and student debts who aren’t using their degree in their work. How disheartening!

Ask God to direct you so that you can make good use of your time, resources, and opportunities!

Avoid Debt

One more piece of advice I would offer you is to avoid debt. Be it in life in general, school debt, house debt, car debt, work debt, etc. Avoid it as best as you can.

Perhaps this means working several years before going to college so that you can pay as you go. Or maybe you are certain of what vocation you want to pursue and want to work and save in high school while also pursuing scholarships and other benefits.

The simple truth is, I’m pretty sure you won’t be regretting having avoided debt.

As we head back into the school year, let’s consider how we can better structure our lives to serve God and others remarkably well. We are placed here with a purpose – let’s give it our best!

Until Next Time!


PS. One quick little story: we have a cheerleader who works for us, and being a cheerleader it is drilled in to her to smile, smile, smile. Do you know, I think all our employees – myself included – need to go through cheerleader training? Her sweet smile is such a powerful reminder to me to be sure to smile in my work, smile at our customers, and smile as I go about my day!

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