Choose the Dream

Choose the Dream

Sometimes I really don’t think well on my feet. I can be too literal and instead of figuring out the intent of the question asked, I simply hear what was said and it hangs me up.

This happened to me earlier this week. I was working at the coffee shop and a random, well-meaning customer asked me directly, “Are you living your dream working here?” I’m not proud to say that I hesitated. My knee jerk reaction was that my dream is of a home, man, and family, no work or job could ever compare. But I didn’t say that, instead I smiled and said it is a beautiful place to work, isn’t it?

I have no doubt that I am right where God has placed me. And if that question had been phrased, are you living the dream, instead of your dream I really think it would have hung me up far less. I would be the first to encourage you that you need to make the most of where you are. And given the parameters, I really think I personally am – so why I felt like it would be a lie to say, “yes, I am!” to her direct question, frustrated me.

Why Am I Here?

If you were to ask me why I am here – in life, in my work, etc – I would tell you, I feel placed specifically by God. Does that mean that I don’t long for more and dream about what’s ahead? Not at all, I do both those things. But at the same time, I do my best to make the most of where I am and the opportunities I have.

What about you? Why are you where you are? Your circumstances, your work, your family, etc. Is it because you have followed God’s lead and let Him direct your steps? When you look back, can you see ways He has worked incredible things together in your life? Don’t you suppose now is the same? He is a master organizer, an incredible planner, and the perfect leader.

Contentment and complacency are two different things. We can lean in and choose to make the most of where God has us while also praying, dreaming and hoping for what’s ahead. Contentment doesn’t demand for us to only be content where we are and never look forward, but rather to press forward, eager to step into what God has ahead! We can choose the dream where we are, while also seeking the dream that is ahead!

Your Plans, My Dreams

I’ve shared this before, but I think it is vital to surrender your dreams to God, asking Him to replace them with the plans He has for you. We should never be so hung up on the dream of something that it becomes more important than God’s lead. If we will keep our hearts right, soft and submissive before God, He will direct our steps. True this can be difficult to let go of a dream, but we can be confident that God knows far more about the circumstances than we do. His plans are perfect. Surrender and submit. Choose the dream He places you in.

But even now, I still have hopes and dreams – of a husband, home, family – next level stuff. I’ve never wanted being a working woman to have a higher priority on on being a homemaker, raising children and making an ongoing, important contribution to this nation. And yet the opportunity to work is where God has me, so while I’m here I want to make the best contributions I can! To encourage those around me, provide excellent service, and help the American cause.

So is it wrong of us to have dreams past where we are in life? I can’t help but think that when we fully submit to God, He uses our hopes and dreams to give us a glimpse of what’s ahead. Humorously, as a child I remember I was always trying to sell things to my family, imagining conversations with customers. And now look where God has me! All those years of being the annoying little sales-sister finally paid off!

Let me just encourage you to not give up on your hopes and dreams. Definitely be grateful where you are, give it your best, and choose the dream where God has you. But also press ahead, ask God to shape your dreams through the plans He has for you!

What Can We Do About It?

We can accomplish a lot in life through baby steps and self discipline, but there are just some things that we feel powerless to do. Whether it be find a house in our budget when there are no houses on the market, save money when we have no extra income, build a relationship with a godly guy when none of them seem to be interested in building a relationship, etc – what can we even do about it? Pray.

Pray for God to direct our steps, to lead us where He needs us. Even to teach us how to pray about what is on our hearts.

Don’t be frustrated that there doesn’t seem to be much of an answer. Perhaps more than progress in this area, God needs to work on the condition of your heart and the responses you have regarding this topic. Ask Him to guide your heart and to fuel your hope. And then watch what He does! This is going to require a lot of patience, but the best things always do. But listen for Him and remember this: He always answers prayers. Read that again.

It certainly won’t be on our timeline, and it probably won’t even be when it’s most convenient for us. But He certainly, without a doubt, will answer our prayers. There’s no telling what the answer will be. It might shift our prayer from what we had been praying for or it might be an exact answer to specifically what was on our hearts.

Next time you or anyone ponders or states that they can’t do anything about something, remind them that they can pray. We get no cop outs in this life, we must take responsibility and do our part – willingly and submissively.

I pray this helps you choose the dream right where you are, while also anticipating the dream that is ahead!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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