God Directs Our Steps

God Directs Our Steps

Do you ever find that when you pause to work on one thing, clarity for other tasks and projects pop into your head?

I’ve literally just got my coffee and sat down and the idea of what to write about has left me. I didn’t pause and write it down – it was one of those “Ooh, I’ll remember that” moments. And guess what? I don’t remember.

But as I’m sitting here pondering what to write, my tasks for next week are dancing through my mind. Not in a cluttered, overwhelming way, but in an efficient-get-it-done way. Sometimes clarity for one project comes with trying to accomplish a different project it seems.

And so, even though I didn’t plan to work on next weeks plan, I’m making notes! Why fight a moment of clarity, right? In addition, I thought maybe that would be a good topic to discuss.

As much as I want to be perfectly organized and check all the boxes, I’m ridiculously random. It drives me nuts, ha! But instead of fight it, I try to let it be part of defining who I am. Do I continue to make an effort to be organized? Absolutely! But do I let a lack of organization keep me from making any progress at all? Hopefully not.

I believe that God directs our steps, organized and (seemingly to us) random. When we fight tooth and nail when things don’t go the way we think they should it can make us frustrated or anxious. But I really don’t think this is the appropriate response. I can’t help but think our plans and expectations are just another area that we need to completely surrender to God.

When we are faithful and continue pressing on, expecting Him to bless our efforts, I think it honors Him! But when we get annoyed or inconvenienced, it seems to indicate that we think we know better than He how things need to go. And you and I both know that God knows best, not us.

So instead of becoming a hot mess when our plans get changed, let’s practice being flexible and shifting gears as necessary. Trust God to direct you where He needs you. Believe that He is growing your character and your resilience as you respond well to changes you weren’t anticipating. Don’t fight it. Completely surrender to His direction and believe that He will direct you where He needs you!

I often have to remind myself so let me remind you too – God knows your to do list and the commitments you have made. He even knows your secret hopes and dreams – He knows your heart! Lean in to that and tell Him everything! He wants your heart, your attention, your everything.

Now all this complete surrender and everything is in no way leave of absence to have no life plan or goals. On the contrary, when we surrender everything to Him and seek to really live for Him, I believe He gives us new goals and dreams! Things that we hadn’t even considered before we gave everything to Him!

So let’s keep on with our lists, our plans, our schedules, but be sure to make a point of keeping God front and center! Include Him in our day, in little moments, in the all the details. He wants our heart and our attention!

Let’s make a point to remember that God directs our steps, so when things don’t go according to our plan, we can be sure He has the details! I can’t wait to see what this year brings forth! God bless you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2024/01/03/youve-got-this/

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