He Restores Your Soul

He Restores Your Soul

Psalm 23 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. It is full of reminders of God’s protection, love and faithfulness.

I especially love the verse that reminds us that He restores your soul. What a gift, when the world has gone crazy and we are pulled in too many directions, to know that within it all, He restores the soul. He brings peace and calm like no other.

Read God’s Word and Make it Part of Your Life

How do you get to a place that God restores your soul? And what really does that even mean?

I rather think of restoring the soul as a very deep peace that brings a real calm and confidence. True peace from God is unlike anything we can try to achieve on our own. It is a gift from Him as we submit and seek Him with our whole heart.

An essential part of seeking Him and submitting to Him is being familiar with His Word. As we learn Who He is, we can work to be children who please Him. Learning about God and growing close to Him is a lifelong pursuit and not something we can simply do once and consider done.

Invite God to be a part of every area of your life. Consult Him daily, moment by moment. Ask Him to direct your steps and make your path clear. This doesn’t need to be done vocally, but rather deep down, through silent prayer. He knows your thoughts and can make His answers clear to you in any circumstances.

Always Give God Your Best

As you grow your relationship with God, consider how you can give your best in every situation. Rather than losing your temper, consider the best possible response, and then have it. Don’t only give your best when others warrant it, but rather give your best because you are a child of God!

Children that behave and have good manners whether or not their parents are present honor their parents very well. In just the same way, when we give our best no matter our audience or location, we honor God well!

Always giving God your best is a key step in restoring your soul. Whether things are all sunshine and rainbows or things are difficult, honoring God with every area of your life will bring you a peace like no other.

As Christians, we don’t behave one way or another because it is the easy choice. We were not called for a life of ease, but rather called to bring glory to God. When we surrender our selfish, human desires and sincerely give Him our best in all things, He will restore our soul. He will give us rest and blessings beyond our expectations!

Seek Peace and Pursue It

True peace is priceless. It give us rest and peace and calm. It equips us for life and fuels our days.

Sometimes when life gets crazy, we just want to press pause and catch our breath. Peace is that pause that lets us catch our breath. It’s not that the world stands still, but that for a moment we can rest and find calm to fuel us for what is to come.

Pursuing peace is about realizing what in your life is adding to your unrest that you don’t have to be doing. Perhaps there are activities that just don’t fit in this season of life or maybe you have grown past needing to participate.

Also keep in mind the different seasons of life – the Christmas season is simply a busier time of year than Spring. Do your best to lean in and enjoy it! Life is all about balance, so sometimes things are quiet and other times they are bustling!

Being busy does not have to mean that there is no peace. Take time to read God’s Word – you will find peace like none other. He will restore your soul when you give Him your time, your attention and your heart!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2023/11/15/anticipating-the-new-year/

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