You Have Incredible Capabilities

Incredible Capabilities

You have incredible capabilities within you. Did you know that?

It is said, that if we didn’t hold ourselves back, doubt ourselves, and question so much, we could do far more as children of God. The picture that put in my mind inspired me greatly. Let me pass that inspiration on to you!

Vital Foundations

Your foundation is vital. As such, develop the habit of seeking God. Praying, memorizing Scripture, having deeply personal conversations with Him, listening for His direction, is all so important in building these foundations.

And building isn’t enough, maintenance is also vital! Keep Him on speed dial for every detail in your life. God loves the details. Nothing is too small or insignificant to Him. He’s like a best friend – except better than any of us ever have had or have been – and He cares so deeply.

Learn to listen or sense His direction. Hear and understand the answers He gives. And above all, practice patience, because He always answers. Give Him every bit of your life, even your most precious dreams and wishes. There is no one better to share them with!

Faithful Progress

I’ve mentioned patience once, but let me mention it again. As humans, I think patience is a universal struggle. Just remember that God’s got the details and continue to give your best where He has you.

In time, you’ll look back and see the progress made and it will astound you. You’ll see some of the details of what you thought wasn’t going anywhere and it will thrill you to see God at work in your life in such a real way! Choose faithfulness when you struggle with impatience.

As you work to be faithful, as you battle impatience, take the opportunity to ask God to shift the desires of your heart to be what He has planned for you. There is nothing more beautiful than sincerely desiring His plan and His direction in your life!

And if you’re at all like me, pray for a soft heart too. Sometimes my heart gets hurt and I feel it getting tough and hard. Strength is definitely good, but not a hard heart in a woman. Pray for strength and a soft, beautiful heart.

Remarkable Results

After seeking God, remaining faithful in your efforts, and giving your best, prepare to see remarkable results! Though the exact timeline is never clear, the fruits of your labor will be evident and will encourage your heart more than you can imagine!

As we work and give our best, God has an amazing way of taking us farther than we can go on our own. He’ll bring people into your life, give you new tools, and bless you in ways that you have not anticipated.

Utilize your resources wisely – especially your time and your thoughts. A mediocre mindset and efforts lead to mediocre results. A remarkable mindset and thoughts lead to remarkable results. Which do you think better represents God?

This doesn’t mean that trials and struggles won’t come. They always do and they always will. But with God you are far stronger than to be overwhelmed by them! Keep your expectations high and press on!

Incredible Capabilities

You have incredible capabilities in you, but it is up to you to tap into it and to make the most of what you have! With God’s help and guidance, incredible opportunities will open up before you, people will go out of their way to help you, difficult situations will have remarkable solutions.

It won’t be fast or easy. Hard work takes time and effort to strengthen us and make us into the people God wants us to be. Life isn’t a race, but rather a training program to develop the character of Christ in us. That’s why patience matters. That is why what we feed our thoughts matters.

We have incredible capabilities within us and it is our duty to give God our very best in every area of our life!

To God be the Glory!


PS. Press on!

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