The Art of Tidying Up

The Art of Tidying Up

The art of tidying up is valuable. It can take you from chaos to order, disaster to a clear picture.

Many people live with disorder – they don’t know how to get things organized. But instead of choosing to live with it, what if we chose the art of tidying up?

Start Small But Deliberately

Whether you live by yourself or in a house with many people, tidying up can be daunting. Don’t let it get to you – you’ve got this!

Instead of lamenting that the entire home needs to be tidied up, start small but deliberately. Maybe beginning in the kitchen would bring you the most peace. Start there. Don’t go over the top or get distracted with extras or redecorating. Simply get things in order.

One reason things can be left askew is because they don’t have any actual place to be put away. If you discover this is an explanation for some of your items, decide where they need to go. But don’t get hung up on this piece of the puzzle. If you can’t quite decide, set them aside in a specific spot to address later and get busy with what you know to do. Dirty dishes washed, clean dishes put away, towels hung neatly, groceries in the pantry, pots and pans in the cabinets, etc.

It’s not rocket science, it simply takes a bit of time and self discipline. The art of tidying up is valuable. Create the time to work on it and it will yield peace and delight!

Order Is Everywhere

God is a God of order. He’s not random and He certainly keeps track of His creation.

When we keep things tidy and in order, we can better keep track of our responsibilities. It is simply part of being a good steward. And it is so much more refreshing to walk into a room or a home that is tidy rather than a disaster!

When we work to keep our items in order, I think it helps us do better with keeping our life in order too. I’ll say it again – God is a God of order, it is important. In addition to that, order yields amazing results! We’re more at ease, less distressed, find things faster, have a sense of ownership, etc.

Ongoing Monitoring

I don’t know about you, but it’s a lot easier for me to keep up with something rather than to make huge transformations. As you are getting things tidied, be alert to ongoing monitoring that needs to be done.

The kitchen will still need to be tidied after meals, but if you keep up with it and don’t let it go it won’t be the catastrophe it used to be.

I once read that instead of setting things down, if you put them directly away in that moment that would help eliminate a large portion of piles in your life. I’ve found that very helpful in both my home and at work. True, it can take a bit extra time, but the fact of the matter is if I don’t spend the time now, I will be spending it later tidying up areas that have gotten “stashed” with items that don’t belong.

Take the time to put items away correctly and thoroughly the first time.

The Art of Tidying Up

The art of tidying up isn’t rocket science. It’s simply discerning an order – an order you get to pick – and applying it to the items around you!

Take a moment today to look around you and envision things tidy. What would you change? How can you take steps to begin the process? Little by little, progress adds up!

And remember, less is more. Perhaps your children’s toys are always a mess. Less is more, downsizing might be a powerful motivator in getting them to clean up. Too much laundry? Maybe you need to simplify your wardrobe. Inventory out of control in your store? Run a sale to help you scale back some.

Be creative and take action. It’s not rocket science, you’ve got this!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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