Scared and Excited

Seeing dreams come to pass can be scary.

This never fails to surprise me. If they are dreams of mine – or even something I’m hoping for – then why is it intimidating and scary, in addition to being exciting?!

I remember a line out of a movie I saw ages ago and the main character said they were, “kind of scared, kind of excited” about some situation. I thought the line was rather corny at the time. But now, humorously, I think I get it.

Work For It

The reason I share all this is that I think perhaps I was under the impression that dreams coming to pass would only be exciting. Things would just fall into place and everything would come together a bit like a fairy tale. Sounds silly, but that’s how I pictured it. (I must have been dreaming, haha!)

But the reality of it is that dreams take a lot of work! They take determination and courage and stick-to-it-ive-ness. But if you’ll stick to it and work hard, you’ll see those dreams come to pass! And yes, you’ll be both scared and excited.

I remember the first vehicle I purchased, I was both scared and excited. It was my first really large personal expense. I had saved my money and my Dad helped me find a used vehicle in my budget. Having my own vehicle was definitely a dream. I remember wondering beforehand how one afforded insurance and fuel and maintenance costs.

But that’s the fascinating thing about dreams – you build on them and your dreams get bigger and bigger as you accomplish each one!

If You’re Not Scared…

I once heard a saying along the lines of, if you’re not scared, you’re not playing big enough. I’ve heard that your dreams and goals should scare you just a bit. Not that you should live in fear – but that you should set your sights higher than what you can achieve on your own.

God loves to show up in our lives! He loves to make a way and direct our steps and have our attention.

When you dream small you don’t seek Him to the degree that you do when you dream big! Our God is a God of abundance! He wants to see His people accomplish real things that bring glory to Him!

That doesn’t mean we need to be flashy or attention seeking in anyway. But we don’t want to lock ourselves in to bare minimum either.

Your Success Blesses Others

I believe I got that quote from Tommy Newberry – your success blesses others. I so appreciate that reminder! It’s not self-centered or self-seeking to want to grow your business or your work if your goal is to bring glory to God and bless others. Motivation is so important!

I remember telling my sister ages ago that I wanted to own a business where I could employ high school girls so that they could have a good option for a place to work. Fast forward a handful of years and here we are! My sister and I run two businesses and we employ several girls! This is a dream come true!

And do you know how we got here? It was kind of scary and kind of exciting! Our goal and our mission was bigger than just us. It takes a lot of faith and seeking God. And I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Keep the Faith

All this to say, don’t let the feelings of fear that come with the unknown of big dreams keep you from pursuing them. That fear isn’t a warning to not pursue the dream, it is simply a check and balance to make sure you are on the path God has for you.

And God is unbelievably incredible about directing us when we sincerely look to Him. He fascinates me!

I’ve noticed and I’m learning that the really good things in life, the really big dreams, are both scary and exciting! New relationships, buying cars, starting a business, employing people, taking a road trip, etc.

So don’t let the fear hold you back. Double check your motivation, give it to God, and then press on! Incredible things are on the horizon!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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