Everyday Inspiration

I have a tendency to look for inspiration in everyday things. Be it random quotes, a song lyric, or a book I’m reading. Our life is about so much more than just the here and now. It is important to be constantly improving, serving others, and seeking what God would have us do.

The world is against me, it wouldn’t be fair otherwise.

This is one my Dad shared with me and I find it motivating!

To me, it is saying that when we live for God, we will have a lot come against us. The world is, well, worldly. And it can be overwhelming – discouraging even – having things come against us. But when we remember the source of our strength, we realize the things of this world don’t stand a chance!

God has equipped us for where He has us. That is something I am sure of. But it is our duty to always be seeking Him and submitting to Him.

When it comes to things of this world, between God and the world, the world doesn’t stand a chance. We are victorious in God!

The problem with living a lie is the lie never outlives the truth.

This was a random song lyric I heard go by, but I think it makes a valid point. Truth will always be exposed and realized. Lies will also be realized for what they are.

Such a good reminder to do our best to live lives of integrity. Being careful what you say and how you say it. When speaking of others, consider how you might word things if they were right there with you. Be kind and courteous and honest.

Remember that lies always hurt someone. Sometimes it may be necessary to not give an answer rather than to lie. Other times great courage may be necessary to answer honestly. Follow God’s lead, He always directs our steps when we seek Him with our whole heart.

You better walk in that room like God sent you there.

You should walk in the room, step up to the challenge, pursue that dream with confidence. As if God Himself has directed you there. Because ideally, you are seeking Him and His direction. And when opportunities come along you should pursue them boldly and courageously!

This isn’t about you being wonder woman, but rather about you tapping into your God-given strengths! We can do so much more through God than we even realize. But it takes a lot of faith and courage to step up.

So instead of timidly and apprehensively trying at something, what if we held our head up, eyes focused on heaven, and aimed to knock whatever we are doing out of the park?!

Scripture says that we aren’t given a spirit of fear or timidity, but rather power, love, and self-control. That to me sounds like the perfect ingredients to take on the challenges of this world and be a bright shining light of God’s love!

What inspires you?

As you go about your day, notice sayings and quotes that inspire you! Sometimes the simplest things can lead to our most meaningful breakthroughs!

It is interesting, I know some people who come across as anti-self-help or motivation. They literally seem to think that it is taking from God’s power to step up and seek to improve self. I’m definitely not trying to set the stage to minimize God and maximize ourselves. But rather, I want to encourage us to tap into the power of God within us. As His children, it is our duty to be our best and to represent Him well!

Let all that you do be for the glory of God!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2022/11/30/growing-up-today/

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