Life Takes Care of Itself

Life Takes Care Of Itself blog

“Life takes care of itself and leaves you with a story to tell” is a line in a song I heard on the drive from work one day.

The song talks about highs and lows, hopes and disappointments – life in general, really. And the point of it is that we all walk through hard times, but those struggles can lead to some amazing times. Rather than get bogged down by the trials we should press on and anticipate what’s ahead.

Part of Life

The highs and the lows, they are all part of life. There is a balance and even though we might not want to face the difficult times, we can’t – and even shouldn’t – live in a bubble. Difficult times give us an opportunity unlike any other to grow and fine tune our character.

Life isn’t fair and we would be foolish to think it was. But if we keep God as our center, we can be confident that everything we go through is for our good and for refining who we are. Tough times can make us stronger people. And I believe strong people represent God better than those who are timid and reserved.

Actions have consequences and you must carefully weigh what you say and do, all the time. With this in mind, you can better understand the results you get in life. I’m not saying that everything will always make sense; you may not even understand some things for years to come. But the point is that if you know you have done the best you could do, then you can rest at peace knowing that all things work together for good – even if you don’t understand the outcome just now.

A Strong Mind

A strong mind works to understand God and His Word. It understands that though human and imperfect, God has perfectly equipped His people. When we draw close to Him, He draws close to us.

Our mind is so important to keep in check. Thoughts can confuse or alarm us, but a strong mind helps us hold fast to what Scripture says.

Lately work has been busy and we’ve been pulling some long hours. Come the end of the day, my mind and body are tired. Doubts will start to try to work their way into my thoughts and I have to interrupt them before they get me down.

A Bible verse popped into my head along these lines as I was countering the thoughts of my tired mind the other night:

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Draw near to God – not go over your doubts and uncertainties one more time – but draw near to God! What might this look like? Praising Him, thanking Him, asking for direction, thanking Him for guidance, reminding yourself that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength, etc.

But notice you need to take the first action – you draw near to God and then He will draw near to you. You must have a strong mind to push out the less-than-encouraging thoughts that might come to call.

Life Takes Care of Itself

The song goes on along the lines of “life takes care of itself and heals all scars and leaves you with a story to tell…”

Heals all scars – I think of that as learning lessons from life and moving on. Things happen, life isn’t fair, and you can either let it make you or break you. A well-equipped person is strong in the Lord and clings to the knowledge that all things work together for good, if they love God and are called according to His purpose.

The world would have you live with grief, feeling your feelings, and get comfortable with being miserable. I guess that’s why this song stood out to me, because yes, life can have really tough moments, but you move past them and keep going.

But again, the ball is in your court. Summon up the strength of Christ that is in you, draw near to God and move ahead with fresh hope in your heart! The best is yet to come!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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