How To Level Up

How to Level Up blog

I found myself staring at the store inventory shelves. It had been a long day, a long week even, and it was only Wednesday. In between shop keep work and online work I do for other companies and the work I still needed to do around the shop – it had been a day.

We could even say it had been a few couple of weeks. One thing about me is that I always want to to do what I do well and when I say well I mean enthusiastically and in a sincerely joyful manner. As I stood there I felt that I wasn’t measuring up to my own expectations. I don’t say that for sympathy, but rather to reassure you that I think no matter who you are you face these times.

What can I change?, I asked myself. I have this pretty picture of good responses and a sincere heart that I want to attain to, but sometimes it can feel just outside of all that needs to get done.

Step up to the challenge – with a smile, a little voice in me said. I loved that picture.

Perhaps it is because I’m the youngest in a large family – or because I’m short – but I can have a bit of a stubborn attitude. That being said, I like to think I use it in a good way. When people or circumstances start to get to me I just smile and don’t let it bother me. So now with something in the back of my mind trying to get me down I was determined to disregard it and let it challenge me to do what I do even better.

And that’s when I decided to learn how to level up!

A Change in Thought

I did a bit of research on what it means to level up. I had my own picture of what I thought it should look like, but wanted to compare my thoughts with what I found. Basically to level up is to take things up a notch – to the next level. You go from simply doing your work to doing it well. From simply being a friend, to going out of your way to do something kind and thoughtful, etc.

I came across a few pointers that I thought described this process well and it begins with changing your thoughts. Your thoughts are incredibly powerful and if you want something to change you have to change something. (profound, I know! haha!)

Our thoughts can get stuck in a rut, but there are ways around that. Prayer, reading Scripture, and getting input from someone you trust really helps. Change your thoughts and you will unlock the door to stepping up your game!

A Shift in Mindset

As you change your thoughts, gracefully and gently, you will notice a shift in mindset. I like to think of it as Scripture says, “…forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead…” It is impossible to live with joy and expectation if you are stuck in a rut. Changing your thoughts allows a shift in mindset which helps you move forward with anticipation!

So consider your thoughts on things around you – your circumstances, your work, your relationships – and take things to the next level! Don’t allow yourself to grow complacent or forlorn, but rather discover new ways to learn to love and appreciate what you do and where you are!

There is nothing more beautiful than a lady who lives her life well – be she married or single, a mother or not, tall or short, etc. When she steps fully into her role, she shines! Certainly she hasn’t arrived where she is fully going yet, life is an ongoing journey, but she is embracing where she currently is! And there is nothing more inspiring or beautiful to me than that!

Courageous Action

And now it is time to take courageous action! All the efforts and mindset shifts in the world are nothing without action – and action takes courage!

As intimidating as taking action can be, you could also choose to see it as the fun part of the process! The chance to finally see the fruits of all your efforts of improving your thoughts!

Action takes boldness and courage and confidence – but the results can be incredible! Never underestimate the power of baby steps, of perseverance, and a dash of confidence!

It’s up to you to determine how to level up in your life, but these steps should take you there. Remember it is an ongoing process, you’ll never quite arrive. But that truly is one of the joys of life – the ongoing journey and learning that it requires.

May your perspective be refreshed and a new enthusiasm fill your heart!

Take courage, friend – the best is yet to come!


PS. Keep reading:

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