Life of Your Dreams

Life of Your Dreams blog

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you wake up each day, excited at the possibility it holds? Do you have hopes and dreams you are pursuing?

If your answer is a resounding “yes!“, good for you! But if your answer is a wistful “I wish“, keep reading.

What Are Your Dreams?

You can only live the life of your dreams if you actually know what your dreams are. This may seem extremely simple, but I think it is the best place to start!

Determine what your dreams are. If money, time, and circumstances weren’t an issue, what would be your dream? (Independently wealthy really isn’t an option here, unless you know something I don’t know!) What would be your dream job? What would you do to relax and refuel? Would you travel a bit? Who would you spend time with? Any hobbies you would like to pursue? Would you get married and have a family? The sky is the limit! Dream big!

Consider the obvious, but also dig deeper. If your dream life was an actuality, how would you act and carry yourself? How would you treat others? What would you spend money on? What would you pursue in your free time?

As you begin to find the answers to these questions, remember two things:

One, the answers can change and shift as you grow and learn more. Very few things are cast in concrete.

Two, realize that you can start living the life of your dreams today as you determine just what your dreams are!

Change is Good

If there is one thing I’ve learned, it is that change is typically good for us. I believe – like myself – most people fight it tooth and nail, but the truth is it typically leads us to the next thing. Change should ideally represent growth, as you grow and mature you shift and change to do things better.

In the Bible, it was typically change that was the catalyst for important things. God changed hearts, He changed the dynamics of situations. But on the other hand, God never changes. His Word, His Law, His promises are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. I believe it is just our limited perception that changes – ideally – as we step more fully into what He has called us to do.

There is some change that I am delighted to step into, but some that I resist greatly. The truth of the matter is that if you are pursuing God and His will, there is good to be found in any change, so work to let go of the past and press on towards what is ahead!

Start Today

Start today to live the life of your dreams! Baby steps add up and you probably have far more opportunities than you realize!

Do you dream of a different job? Almost everywhere is looking for good workers right now – apply, apply, apply!

Are you interested in furthering your education in a certain topic? College isn’t the only way – consider getting books from your local library and learn on your own! Or consider a role as an apprentice of sorts – real life is the best instructor!

Want to buy a house? Start by handling your finances better now. Consider what you might start saving instead of spending. Get a vision for what you are looking for and are interested in. Develop an opinion of what you want and don’t want. And then start dreaming about the interior – what colors you will use to decorate, what your style will be, etc.

And most importantly, what will your attitude be when you are living the life of your dreams? Kind, generous, thoughtful? Start today to be who you will be in your dreams – your best version of yourself.

And Then You Will Realize

As you determine what your goals and dreams are and start pursuing them, something amazing will happen!

Take baby steps, refresh your vision and live out a piece of your dreams. Each day, as you inch towards this life you are creating, you will wake up excited and eager for the day! And then one day, very soon I hope, you will realize that you are in fact living the life of your dreams!

Now don’t be disillusioned – it won’t be easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is! There will be trials and hard days – even very hard days. But strengthen yourself in the Lord and press on! He has wonderful plans for us and He loves it when we pursue Him!

What are some of your dreams? I’d love it if you wanted to share them! Feel free to send me an email or comment below.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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