Change the Narrative

Change the Narrative blog

What does it mean to change the narrative? When we change the narrative, we change the way something is perceived or accepted.


I got to thinking about this while reading through the Old Testament. I was reading about Elijah and how he challenged those who worshiped Baal. They were sure that their god was superior to the God of Israel. So Elijah agreed that he should call on God and they should call on Baal and see who answered.

We all remember that story – God answered in a big way and the prophets of Baal were destroyed!

Following that incredible story, poor Elijah got discouraged. He cried out to God that he was the last of God’s prophets and many wanted him dead.

I think we can all feel this way to a degree at times. We are worn out, perhaps a bit stuck, and others seem to have more of their life figured out. We pray and believe and try to have faith, but the enemy is eager to discourage us. It is essential in these moments to hold on even tighter. Better days are coming, God is working everything together for our good.

Do you know what God showed Elijah in these moments of discouragement? 7,000 more men of God – in Israel alone! He in effect said, you’re not the only one, Elijah, there are many of you!

That blew me away! And it brought so many things to mind.

I would say with all that he did and accomplished, Elijah must have had great faith – and yet even he got discouraged. Honestly, that encouraged my heart in that I can get discouraged and begin to question things – not because I’m trying to question God, just because I grow weary and uncertain. I really believed I needed to handle a situation a certain way, and then things seem to deteriorate further and I just begin to wonder if I misunderstood.

But perhaps when we are weakest, that is when God shows up strongest. When we are strong and holding on to our faith and living out our faith, that is excellent and good. But I can’t help but wonder when we feel discouraged and almost desperate (not desperate to the point of foolishness, but perhaps more to the point of complete surrender) that is when we give God the situation more entirely.

Let me just shift for a moment and share one more story before I conclude the story about Elijah.

Remember the story of the woman who had been bleeding for more than ten years? And she reached out and touched Jesus’ garment and was healed?!

Someone shared that story with a twist I hadn’t considered and I think they made an interesting point. They said don’t you suppose she had been making efforts to overcome this problem? Praying, trying medicinal options, seeking doctors, anything she could do to find a solution. What would you do if it were you? Probably many of the things she did, just at a different point in history.

And yet despite how “good” she was, how faithful she was with her prayers and her efforts, it wasn’t until she reached out and desperately and earnestly touched Jesus’ robe that she was healed! Perhaps faith isn’t just about holding steady and putting one foot in front of the other – though I do believe that is thoroughly important – but also about what you do when you are down and out and as low as you can get.

Maybe faith isn’t just about the pretty, flawless, perfect response that we (at least I) want to have before God, but how we respond when we feel broken. When we are weakest is when He is strongest! So instead of feeling like we are failing God by feeling overwhelmed and overcome, we can hold on and realize that breakthrough is on it’s way. And perhaps that is why it is called breakthrough, because you have to break – surrender it all – in order to get through and to the other side!

With that said, let me finish up the point I wanted to make with Elijah.

He thought he was the last prophet of God, perhaps he too was at the point of breaking – just worn out and overwhelmed. And God showed up in an incredible way yet again and says, no Elijah, I have 7,000 more who have remained loyal to Me right here in Israel! You are not alone!

And do you know what that reminds me of? God is a God of abundance! More than enough, extra with-a-cherry-on-top type of abundance! And I think it is vital that we remember this in every area of our lives! We must change the narrative from defeat to victory!

If you’re concerned about finances, remind yourself and thank God that He always provides food, clothing and shelter – in abundance – when we follow Him. Discouraged because you haven’t met the right person and “all the good ones are gone”, thank God that He most certainly has an abundance of good ones and is working those details out, just follow His lead and remain faithful. Do you have too much to do and not enough time? God can help you figure out how to handle what you have to do. He brings work, time and clarity in abundance.

Lean in and seek His guidance.

Don’t stop there, consider what is weighing on you and realize that God can and will show up in any area of your life that you will surrender to Him and seek Him. Know that you are not a failure just because you falter. I think of these times as the valley of the shadow of death and rejoice that they are just part of the journey and I’ll soon be through it, they are not forever.

And remember – and this is enormous – things often get terribly hard right before they get easier! I can’t help but wonder if yet again, this is the break-through in action!

Courage, friend, God is in control and the best is yet to come!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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