Life of Your Dreams

Life of Your Dreams blog

Are you living the life of your dreams? Do you wake up each day, excited at the possibility it holds? Do you have hopes and dreams you are pursuing? If your answer is a resounding “yes!“, good for you! But if your answer is a wistful “I wish“, keep reading. What Are Your Dreams? You […]

Change the Narrative

Change the Narrative blog

What does it mean to change the narrative? When we change the narrative, we change the way something is perceived or accepted. Elijah I got to thinking about this while reading through the Old Testament. I was reading about Elijah and how he challenged those who worshiped Baal. They were sure that their god was […]

Hope in the Lord

Hope in the Lord blog

Where is your hope? What keeps you encouraged and optimistic for the future? What keeps your faith strong? Our hope is in the Lord. He alone is our constant, the one who will never fail us. The other night I was driving home. I really enjoy driving, I have a comfy ride and it is […]

Happy Surprises

Happy Surprises blog

How do you feel about happy surprises? Do you love them and look forward to them? Or are you more the type who doesn’t like to be surprised? I love a good surprise! Something that delights, encourages, and refreshes! Even the most simple of things – someone popping in the store for a minute, receiving […]