He Fills My Life with Good Things

He Fills My Life with Good Things

He fills my life with good things. -Psalm 103:5a

It is so important to realize the many ways that God fills our lives with good things! Be it the extraordinary or the everyday moments, His love and kindness is evident everywhere we look.

And it is vital that we look, that we appreciate, that we realize all that He does for us. We can never thank Him enough!

Give Thanks

Too much of the time we can fall in to a rut. We’re tired, rundown, and fail to appreciate all that is around us.

But now of all times is when it’s most important to step up and praise God for all that He does. Start with the seemingly simple things, those that you might take for granted, and work out from there. The gifts of sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing, for instance. We take them for granted but would miss any one of them so much! Give thanks for the simple things!

Give thanks for His direction. even when He says no or wait. His direction is priceless and He truly knows what is best!

See the Good

Another way to really appreciate the good things in your life is to look on the bright side. Temporary setbacks happen for a reason, even if we don’t fully understand the reason. God knows the details and He’s got this!

Even when it isn’t obvious, even when it doesn’t feel like it, remember that God is working things together in the background and make the choice to search out and see the good! This will grow your faith and draw you closer to God!

He Fills My Life

Read that again: He fills my life. Not gives good things every now and then or keeps most bad things away, but rather, He fills my life with good things!

When you fill a cup, that typically means you fill it up to the top, not just a drop. In just the same way God fills our life with good things on so many levels! Good things in our family, in our work, in our rest, etc. In the in between moments, the waiting and anticipating, He fills it with good things!

Start looking for those things today! Make a list and thank Him, write little entries in your journal or day planner. Write a note to a friend and tell them in what ways you have seen God at work and encourage them!

As the saying goes, “When you focus on the good, the good gets better!“. Focus on God and the wonderful things He does and you will see Him move in your life more and more!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/category/encouragement/

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