Starting a Boutique

Starting a Boutique

These past few weeks we’ve been gearing up to be a part of a fashion show at the local high school. The high schoolers have been in and out of our shop to find their outfits in anticipation of the big day. A few of them have been completely intrigued with the idea of owning and running a shop. Where do you even begin? How do you get started?

I completely understand their curiosity – starting a boutique is an enormous project! I too once found myself in a gorgeous, inspiring boutique asking the same questions. So today, I want to share some insight with you! Not because I have it all figured out, but because through trial and error and real life experience, I’ve learned a few things along the way. That’s not to say that I don’t have a lot more to learn, but that’s life, right?!

Starting a Boutique

Let’s begin at the beginning, you want to start a boutique. The idea is exciting, the product inspires you, and your future customers can’t wait to buy what you offer!

There are so many details to consider it can definitely be overwhelming. Owning and running a business isn’t for the faint of heart! But if you take it one step at a time, you’ll get there. You will have to be determined and keep trying something new when a strategy or effort doesn’t work out.

Fun details to consider are what you want to name your boutique, what your logo will look like and what style of clothing or accessories you will carry.

Vital, and yet not as fun, details to consider are whether to run your business as a sole proprietorship or LLC, what licensing is required, and how to obtain such licensing.

Never Hurts to Ask

If I were you, I’d look around town and consider the shops where I live. Find a shop that is similar to what you want to carry or have in mind. See if you can talk to the owner and see how they are. If they are friendly, consider asking them for insight on getting started. Ask them for ideas or what they might recommend.

The truth of the matter is that some people will be more than happy to help, while others won’t want to. Perhaps they feel threatened by the idea of you possibly giving them competition or maybe they don’t think they have enough figured out to give advice.

Whatever their reasons, don’t let a negative response to your request discourage you or shut you down. Keep looking and keep pursuing this dream. And be sure to pray about it! Ask God where He might be leading you, ask Him to open doors and present opportunities to help guide you where you should go.

How Serious Are You?

I’ll remind you here again, starting a business isn’t for the faint of heart. It requires a certain stick-to-it-ive-ness that you will have to tap into time and time again.

Even now, half my life into retail, I hit road blocks and feel overwhelmed at all I don’t know. I just have to pray, ask God for direction, seek insight from those I trust, and keep putting one foot in front of the other. I don’t run a business because it is easy, but because I truly believe this is what God has called me to do.

It might be a good idea to pursue real life experience. Find a shop like you dream of having and see if you can get a job there. Learn the ins and the outs, get some real world experience before you jump in on your own! This is partially how I ended up with a shop of my own and I am so grateful for the experience I had leading up to it!

Press On!

I hope this helps you as you dream about starting a boutique. It can definitely be fun and pretty and a good time, but there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes!

From a practical standpoint, I recommend you get a copy of Business Boutique by Christy Wright. She does a great job introducing and detailing the reality of running a successful business. You can order it online or perhaps find it at your local library.

Please let me know if I can be help to you! Either comment below or contact me here.

Until Next Time!


PS. A glimpse inside my boutique:

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