“But what if I fall?” “My Darling, but what if you fly?!” I came across this quote ages ago and although I don’t remember where it is from, I like the reminder to be bold and expect great things! Falling is Part of Life Let’s be honest, we’re all going to fall and we’re going […]
Month: April 2022
Starting a Boutique

These past few weeks we’ve been gearing up to be a part of a fashion show at the local high school. The high schoolers have been in and out of our shop to find their outfits in anticipation of the big day. A few of them have been completely intrigued with the idea of owning […]
Lean In

Time is an incredible asset, perhaps one of the most valuable in the world. One doesn’t really get gifted time as one might be gifted possessions or money. We must learn to take the time we have and make the most of it. How can we be sure that we use this gift well? In […]
Time in History

Do you ever ponder your time in history? It is said that some young people have an old soul, and to me that means that they aren’t like the other typical youngsters in their circle. They are more mature, more thoughtful and careful. I admire young people that aren’t concerned about being the cool kids. […]