Direction vs Speed

Direction vs Speed

Direction vs speed – an interesting thought and one I’ve had on my mind recently.

There are things that seem up in the air – as I’m sure there always are in some shape and form – but I’ve found myself pondering them. How is it going to play out? What’s the end goal? Where is this headed?

As I’ve pondered it, I’ve begun to wonder if I am just being impatient. Perhaps I need to step back and wait and see. And as much as I believe this is a good idea – I think patience is always good to practice – I remember the importance of direction vs speed.

Good Direction

Knowing your direction is essential. After all, if you don’t know where you are headed, you won’t know when you have arrived!

We need to get clear on the direction we are going, be it in life or relationships, work or projects, having a clear direction is gold! True you can estimate a timeline, which you’ll either beat or blow past, but as long as you are headed towards the goal you can find encouragement that you are inching your way closer.

I like to imagine best-case-scenario things. Like if anything could happen, what would be my dream outcome? This helps me set my sights high and really give things my best! If I could have the best business, how would I grow? What does an ideal relationship look like to me and how do I need to change how I approach it? What are one of my dreams and how can I go about pursuing it?

It is incredible to realize just how equipped God has made us if we will keep our eyes on Him and give Him our best! He will guide our steps, help us determine our direction and then lead us one day at a time. It is humbling and thrilling how much He cares about our every day and every moment!

Patient Speed

Patient speed rather sounds like an oxy-moron, doesn’t it? Speed sounds fast and patience indicates slowness and waiting. And yet I believe the greater part of our life is spent waiting. Waiting to finish school so we can go out to play, waiting for summer so we can go on vacation. We can’t wait to continue growing up to graduate, get a job, meet the right person, get married, have a baby, etc, etc, etc.

I can’t help but wonder if patience is a trait we aren’t naturally wired for, perhaps because of our fallen nature. And the Bible highlights the importance of waiting, “Those that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength….”

Ooh that we might learn to wait well, to serve God remarkably well in the interim. And I know that waiting can be difficult. But I can also reassure you that if you give it to God and wait well, it will be so well worth the wait!

And another jewel I want to share with you is this – sometimes in the midst of the longest waits, something almost magical happens! Things you couldn’t quite see have a way of coming together as only God can orchestrate and then all sorts of things happen at once! One can never predict it, but just know that when you keep God the center of your life, He has a way of bringing things together in awe-inspiring ways!

Direction Cures Impatience

In all this, I believe I’ve discovered something new – or perhaps I’ve just been reminded of something I’ve known and forgotten. I believe that knowing your direction can help grow your patience. Waiting isn’t my most favorite thing (I’m only human!), but having a picture or an idea of what I’m waiting for gives me a peace and expectant joy that I don’t have when I don’t have that vision of what’s ahead!

So as you can, determine what direction things are going in your life. Where is God leading? What is the goal? And then patiently put one foot in front of the other and press on toward the goal!

May God bless you with a vision, with a hint of what He has ahead for you, and may He fuel your journey as only He can!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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