Do It Well

Do It Well

Did you know that no matter what you do in life – within reason obviously, it can’t violate His commands – you can do it for God?

You aren’t limited to only serving within the church in order to represent God. As I heard a long time ago, if your job is to peel potatoes, you can peel them to the best of your ability and that will honor God. Whatever you do in life, do it well.

Christian Principles

One important way to reflect God in your work is to live by Christian principles – honesty, integrity, patience, etc. The fascinating thing is that when you make the effort to set a higher standard, it effects every area of your life! When you decide to step up and do your work well, it will impact your home life and how you treat others. Every area benefits!

These efforts to live by Christian principles are noticed too. Not that we do them to be noticed, but rather to represent Him well. But the light that comes from these efforts can’t be hidden. Others take notice, they are influenced, and even inspired!

No matter what you do, be it construction, home-making, garbage pickup, etc, consider today how you might up your game. How can you be the best in your field? What are some areas that you have let slide that need to be finetuned? Even if we peel potatoes, we want what we do to honor God!

Encourage Others

I can’t help but think another way to represent God well is to encourage others. He made us to need each and to be stronger together.

Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.” – Luke 6:38

I am continually astounded at the generous nature of God! Just look at that verse from Luke, how we give will determine what we receive. Not in an equal way though, but rather we will receive back far more than we give. This isn’t limited to money, but rather indicates anything we can give – encouragement, time, kindness, thoughtfulness, prayer, grace, love, etc.

But notice, we don’t receive until after we give. And it’s not that we should give in order to receive but rather to be a blessing and encouragement. How much we give, and I can’t help but think the attitude we give with, will determine the amount we will receive back. Don’t give stingily or with reservation, but rather give like God – abundantly, generously, lovingly. Do it well.

Press On

Hold fast and press on. No matter who you are or what you do there will be trials in life. But these trials have the potential to draw us closer to God. He teaches us so much through them and it is because He loves us that He wants us to grow!

Just because it is hard doesn’t mean it is a bad thing. Consider Christ – His dying for our sins must have been the hardest thing in the world to endure. The abuse, the ridicule, the betrayal. And yet the result of all that pain and heartache is life eternal! Talk about the ultimate example of hard things producing glorious results!

So let’s muster our courage and resolve! The trials we face are only for a time. Let’s pray for one another, for strength, for creativity on how to handle what we are working through. Reach out to your friends and family, check on them and ask how they are doing. Sometimes all we need is to know someone cares. And don’t stop there, really listen to what they say. Remember them in prayer and check on them again as is appropriate.

Definitely work on yourself and finetune what you do, but also look past yourself and love others well.

Do It Well

Do your life well, do your work well, and represent God well. Don’t just drift along, but rather pursue being the best you can be at what you do! Even if you peel potatoes, do your best at it to honor God.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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