Just Wait

Just Wait

I try not to be impatient, really I do. And in my efforts I often grow impatient with myself for not having conquered patience yet! (Rather a vicious cycle!)

This past week I was reading my Bible looking for encouragement and any tips on patience I might glean when I came across a lovely verse:

Be strong and let your heart take courage, All you who hope in the LORD. – Psalm 31:24

Whenever a verse has the word “hope” in it, it is extra special to me. Almost as if the verse was written especially for me.

Just Wait

In the verse above, I noticed a notation indicating another possible translation of the word hope. This intrigued me so I looked it up. Do you know, the other optional word was wait?!

This both surprised me and yet also somehow didn’t. It seems that lately I’ve found myself hopeful for multiple instances, and yet also finding that all I can do is wait and see. Just wait. And once again we are right back to my needing to practice patience!

This reminder to me is so precious! I’m reminded that not in my time, but in God’s time, He will bring things together. I can’t do a thing to rush them or delay them. I need to be at peace – full of hope – and wait.

A Deeper Meaning

Out of curiosity I looked up the meaning of hope in the Strong’s Concordance. Do you know what the first definition of it is? To wait. Incredible!

I always find it so interesting to be learning a lesson, to be going through a bit of a trial, and then to begin to grasp what I believe I am supposed to be learning in it all. And lately this theme seems to keep coming back, just wait.

And then, as I read my Bible, see my name, and learn it’s deeper meaning, I can’t help but think I am on the right path to what God is teaching me! That’s not to say it is easy – to be honest, it really hasn’t been – but having this glimpse of what I’m supposed to be doing really helps!

To be sure, I’m not just sitting around all day waiting. But rather, in certain situations I am leaving them be. Though I want to investigate them, pursue them, search them out, I am reminded that all I really need to do is let them be. Wait.

But while I wait in certain areas, I am active in many others! Active in my work, pursuing projects that have been on the back burner, helping others, and most importantly praying. Praying for direction, patience, wisdom. And time and time again giving the situation back to God.

There is a passage in Scripture that goes something like he who wishes to save his life will lose it, but he who loses it for God will actually save it. Somehow this parallels so well struggles that I face, and I realize that I need to give them to God, I can’t vainly cling to my wants and desires, but surrender them on a daily – if not more frequent – basis.

Patience is a Virtue

I hope this has been an encouragement to you! May you have a renewed patience and hope for what is ahead! May each of us tap into the patience we are given for the exciting things that God has coming!

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2019/08/28/he-always-answers/

2 Replies to “Just Wait”

  1. Merry Burdick says: Reply

    Thank you! I needed that!🥰🥰🥰

    1. So glad it was an encouragement to you! ♥♥♥

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