Take a Stand

Take a Stand

What is important to you? Why is it important to you? And when the time comes, are you willing to take a stand for what you believe to be right?


Having the courage to take a stand requires a certain boldness. Often as Christians, we are called to stand in opposition to what the world says. Sometimes we might take this stand privately, quietly, no need to announce it. But other times, publicly taking a stand can be vital – not only for ourselves but also to others who might look to us as an example.

With this latest election, I started out much as I’ve always done, I kept my political preferences to myself. I’m not looking for a debate or a fight. I know where I stand and that is enough for me.

But then I noticed something interesting, people seemed apologetic and embarrassed with where they stood. As if being conservative and pro-life was something of which to be ashamed! What country are we living in, I couldn’t help but wonder. Last time I checked it was the land of the free, not the land of the weak or oppressed.

I’m grateful that I noticed this though, because other’s caution gave me a boldness I hadn’t realized before. A certain pride in being American and standing for Godly values. And I shared them boldly, unapologetically.

Do you know what happened? Far more people than one might think quietly came up and thanked me! They whispered that they too were conservatives and were so grateful to see another likeminded person. I pray that my boldness inspired others to step out of their comfort zones just a bit too. And that they in turn encouraged others.

If we will have the boldness to take a stand, there is absolutely no telling how far God can take it and use it!

Be a Tool

Have you ever considered yourself a tool? I think each of us have a specific role to fill and that we can fill that role remarkably well or fight it every step of the way.

Tools are important. Whether we are talking drills, shovels, or staple removers, tools can help us accomplish far more, faster than we might otherwise accomplish without them. Let’s work to be the best tools we can be! Yes, that will take time, effort, and prayer, among other things, but just think of what we might accomplish!

All In

We have to be “all in” to accomplish our life’s work. True we could get by with a partial, half-hearted effort, but what kind of life is that?

Marjorie Taylor Greene gave Christians a phenomenal challenge when she reminded us that we aren’t called to be lukewarm. We must give our all and give our best! We must be “all in.”

May we get up each day with a new inspiration to be our best. To be bold for our God that loves us so much. Unapologetically Christian and strong. May we resist the urge to be lukewarm and maintain the status quo.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2021/02/24/america-first/

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