Beauty in the Details

Beauty in the Details

Life is curious, isn’t it? The ups and downs, the opportunities and closed doors. And such beauty in the details. The how and why, the puzzle pieces that fit together out of something that you might never has seen coming.

How it All Began

Three years ago to the day, I received a phone call from a lady I barely knew. She was setting up a local boutique and needed clothing to put in it. A common acquaintance recommended my online clothing boutique to her. This opportunity came at a remarkable time. I had been looking for a storefront to put my items in and to be invited into a shop was an enormous opportunity!

We met and discussed the details and soon my clothing was in her shop. Time passed on and I continued to look into possibly owning my own storefront in another town. An old historic home which was in sad need of repair caught my eye and with guidance from my Dad, I looked into the details of possibly fixing it up to use. I made calls, met potential workers and got quotes on insurance and such.

Fixing the house would cost a boatload, but it was fun to consider the option and to save my money. I’ve never been big on borrowing, so the answer seemed pretty obvious – unless I had the money to pay for it outright, the timing probably wasn’t right. So, I put my head down and worked on growing my online business as well as stocking the boutique in town. Setting aside money here and there as I was able.

I also continued to consider alternative storefronts in other towns. Looking at location, cost, and how much work and repairs might be necessary. I was serious about getting a storefront, it was just a matter of finding the right one at the right price. But I knew when the time was right, it would present itself!

Just Another Day

And on a day very much like any other day, I hit a major road block. Actually, I hit sugar sand and crashed into a tree. It seemed unreal and was frightening to say the least. I hated that this happened – I hadn’t been fooling with my phone or the radio, I was literally just driving along, taking a shortcut, oblivious to sugar sand.

Try as I wanted to, I couldn’t undo that wreck. It brought me very low. But it also made me look to God, as all confidence that I had in myself was gone. My only hope for strength was truly God. It took me some time to recover from the wreck, not that I was physically hurt – by some miracle – though the vehicle was totaled. I knew that if God could bring me through this, then I had to do my utmost to be my best for Him. It is incredible the details that go into one’s story, isn’t it?

Moving On

Following that day, I had to again grow my confidence in what God had for me to do. I struggled a lot with feeling like a failure and not adequate to the tasks set before me. But those were only feelings and I knew that God was the true source of my strength. Even if I didn’t feel equal to the task (which I struggled with terribly), He was right there to be my strength and confidence. So even though uncertain and not feeling the part, I again began pursuing growing my clothing boutique.

I began to notice that the local boutique where my clothing was being sold wasn’t open as many days a week and that sales were dropping off. I met with the owner and we decided that I might begin holding the shop open on days when she couldn’t. This was a real opportunity to put my faith in action as I did not feel at ease with the idea. Whereas just a few months earlier, having and working a shop had been my plan and intention. So again, I did my best to disregard my feelings and step out in faith.

A few weeks went by and every week got a little easier. I’ve never been the best with people I don’t know, so overcoming shyness or uncertainty, stepping out of my comfort zone and greeting people with enthusiasm took some work. But little by little, it became more sincere. It helped to focus on making others feel at ease rather than thinking about how I felt.


And then the bombshell hit.

It would seem that just as I was beginning to feel at ease in this new role, just as I was beginning to be more at peace with playing this small part, things got shaken up!

The lady who owned the boutique was done and she wanted to sell it. She wanted out and she wanted out fast. Were my sister and I interested in purchasing it or should she reach out to someone else?

I was stunned and certainly hadn’t seen it coming. Doubt, uncertainty, and fear all began creeping in. This thing that had been my goal and my focus just a few months before was sitting in front of me and all I could do was feel inferior to the challenge. Working for this lady had been safe. I hadn’t had to worry about store inventory, sales, or details of any kind really. But if we were to buy it, than it all came back to us to run, manage, and maintain. And not just two days a week, but every single day.

And that’s when my sister stepped in. All my life I’ve dreamed of owning a shop – and she has never been inclined. But on this day, I was the one who wasn’t inclined and didn’t feel up to it. But my sister stepped in, no doubt in her mind. And I’m incredibly grateful she didn’t let this opportunity pass us by!

Three Years Later

Three years later to the day, I’m sitting in the back office at Twig just about to go open for the day. It has definitely been an adventure, but God has been so faithful and has really blessed us! There is so much beauty in the details of our stories. I so love looking and considering how God works all things together for us. He is truly remarkable and He writes incredible stories!

Where have you seen God work in your life? I’d love it if you’d share below or send me an email.

Until Next Time!


PS. A little more about our shop:

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