The Best is Yet to Come

The Best is Yet to Come

The best is yet to come – I love that reminder! It reminds me that bright days are ahead and that we always have something to anticipate! This applies whether days are cloudy or bright! God is a God of abundance and increase – He can always add to what is.

This is always so good to reminds ourselves, over and over again! It encourages our hearts, fuels our work, and puts a smile on our face!

Change Your Focus

Setbacks happen. We can try and avoid them like the plague – and I confess that I do just that – but they happen anyway. They are a part of life. But instead of letting them get us down or overwhelm us, we can use them as a lovely reminder that brighter days and moments are ahead!

Earlier this week, I had to do just that. Something had me down and though I knew it technically shouldn’t, it was putting a damper on my day. I prayed, visited with my sister a bit, got busy with my work, and I reminded myself that sometimes you just have to give something time. That combination of things, though not an instant fix, will work together to encourage your heart and bring brighter moments!

Another thing I like to do is to take screenshots of texts that encourage me. Then when I am feeling low, I can go back and remember all those lovely reminders. Kind words might get buried quickly amidst a conversation, but if you take a screenshot you will have those kind words mixed in with your photos, just waiting for you to discover them later!

Setbacks happen, but it is up to you to decide what to focus on! The setback or a comeback?

Good Things Take Time

Good things take time – I truly believe this! Things have an incredible way of working out, you just have to give them a bit of time. It can definitely be hard to be patient, to not know the conclusion, but this is where we grow and strengthen our faith and trust in God.

So instead of being impatient, instead of trying to search out every matter, have peace knowing that God has the details. And He is a good, good Father! He will bless you and watch over you and cause His light to shine on you! You need only be still. As another saying goes, let go and let God.

I can’t help but think of this when I get wrapped up in something. When the not-knowing begins to weigh on me. My shoulders get tight and I begin to clench my hands. And then a small voice reminds me ever so gently, I’ve got this. Though not a magical change, I know I can let go. God has the details and He has my very best in mind!

And yes, as is most often the case, this is easier said than done. But realizing that we have this option is enormous! Acting on it brings peace and a light heart like nothing else! After all, the best is yet to come!

Bright Future

No matter where you find yourself today, if you will pursue God in your life, your future will be bright and your way established! You can move forward in confidence knowing that God will direct you every step of the way.

Until Next Time!


PS. Keep reading:

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