How to Make Gratitude a Way of Life

How to Make Gratitude a Way of Life

I’ve recently had an epiphany on how to make gratitude a way of life and I want to share it with you!

I’m afraid it comes from a weakness of mine. (Why do we learn our best lessons when weak?!) I was frustrated with someone. Not in an enormously dramatic way, more of a petty annoyance. And it was just stewing in the back of my mind.

Obviously, this is neither good for a relationship nor is it likely to help one be one’s best. I knew I shouldn’t let this frustration annoy me (and I honestly don’t even remember what it was now – that’s how petty it was!) and yet there it was pestering me.

Ages ago, I learned that you can only think about one thing at a time.

So employing this knowledge, I made an effort to think about anything else other than the annoyance. And yet, it would pop back into my mind, eager to help me remember why I was frustrated. It was robbing me of my joy – and my determination to think of other things just wasn’t cutting it. All roads seemed to lead to Rome – as in all thoughts brought me back to that frustration.

I prayed about it, eager to move on and let go of something so ridiculously petty. And then a thought popped into my mind!

For every petty annoyance that surfaces, I’ll thank God for different aspects of this person or situation! And so it began – an unwelcome thought would pop into my mind, and I would counter it with gratitude!

Guess what? I ran out of silly thoughts before I ran out of things to be grateful for! It truly works like a charm!

This can be applied to people or situations.

This past week has been curious, to say the least. Not due to those closest to me, but rather due to things across the country.

I find myself in prayer, fighting worry due to how illegally the election was initially handled. I pray that God would strengthen His people to take a stand and not just quietly accept the enemy trying to take over the nation. We are one nation under God and I pray that we fight for that!

And yet on a personal level, it is hard to know what to do. I can pray constantly – and I am – and yet I want to do more! I want to fight for honesty and I want to inspire people to be silent no more. I want us to be strong and courageous for God and country!

Amidst waiting and praying, I’ve found that I can still find so many reasons to be grateful! When the worries begin to sneak in, I remind God how grateful I am for specific blessings which He has directed towards us. Another worry tries to make itself at home and again I find another major victory to praise God about!

Gratitude has the ability to turn worries and frustrations into hope!

“But as for me, I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more.” – Psalm 71:14

It is vital that we remember that God has provided everything we need for our present happiness. So if we aren’t happy, it is up to us to change!

I pray this idea is an enormous boost to you!

Until Next Time!


PS. Can we ever be too grateful? I really don’t think so! Keep reading:

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