Inconvenience Sparks Creativity

Inconvenience Sparks Creativity

Inconvenience sparks creativity – that’s what I have been reminding myself ever since things began shutting down with Covid-19. Much like getting a cold is never convenient, shutting down, staying home, and shifting all our habits and schedules was not convenient.

Something as petty as running by the store to pick up milk suddenly became a big deal. Was it necessary, worth the risk, could we wait or do without, etc.

Businesses largely felt this too. People stayed home and didn’t come by for odds and ends – or even just to say hi. As if the weight of business slowing down dramatically wasn’t enough to affect you, there was also the absence of a friendly face to chat with for a moment.

Inconvenience after inconvenience after inconvenience. Not to mention uncertainties. But don’t be dismayed – this is where it really gets good!

Where do you look?

When things look terribly bleak, where do you look? At the “reality” of it (whatever that is)?

On the contrary, don’t look at what the world says, but remember what God says! He says He will lead His people through the wilderness, through the hard, bleak times. He will protect them, guide them and bless them. What incredible promises!

And though I know I’ve said it before, hard times are really, really good for us. They help us know who we truly are! Are we going to see these trials and inconveniences as an opportunity to step into something new and better? Or are we going to crumble, unable to stand the storm?

A New Perspective

I don’t know about you, but if things didn’t inconvenience me I doubt I would change that many things. We can be creatures of habit. If something works, we do it. Rarely do we try other things if we already have a method that works.

But inconveniences force us to change things up. They give us the opportunity to either get annoyed and fight it, or alternatively to look expectantly for a better solution. I think you can guess which is the better response. It doesn’t matter whether the inconvenience is enormous or minute, we must respond well.

I once read that God won’t take something from us without replacing it with something even better. If that isn’t a promise of better things to come, I don’t know what is!

Have this mind in you…

So next time you are inconvenienced – in a small or large way – instead of just reacting, lean in to what you can learn. God most certainly has a plan for His people and if we will give Him our best, He will direct our steps and lead us to something even better than before!

So whether you are dealing with an annoying little sibling or a worldwide pandemic, don’t be weary and overcome. God is bigger and He has an incredible plan! He needs His people to step up and fill their role remarkably well. He doesn’t promise it won’t have challenges and unknowns, but if we will pursue Him, He will guide us. I will, will you?

Until Next Time!


PS. Everyday battles, something we all face. Courage, friend! Through God we are well able:

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