Make the Most of it

Make the Most of it

Last week we talked about fearing failure – the real struggles that we face and how to overcome them and press forward. Now let’s talk about blooming where we are planted. Yes, we’ve discussed such things before but does encouragement and a fresh perspective for the everyday life ever get old?

Make the Most of it

There you go, the secret to happiness: Make the Most of it! Whatever your “it” may be, if you will blossom in the here and now of it, be your best in this very moment, you will find remarkable happiness.

Whether you are exactly where you want to be or simply on the way, making the most of your life will bring you joy like you can not imagine!

When you make the most of things, you learn contentment. Contentment is defined as realizing you have everything for your present happiness. This doesn’t mean that you don’t press forward, onward and upward. Simply that you find joy and happiness in the here and now.

What might this look like for you?

Suppose that you are in school or taking classes. You have long hours of studying and researching. Sometimes it is in these long hours that we lose our joy and delight in what we do.

Don’t focus on the long hours, the tiring work, or the struggle of learning. Rather focus on the end goal. Imagine the delight and success you will feel as you accomplish this milestone! As you put in the long hours, don’t overthink the struggle, imagine and visualize the goal!

When you make the most of your work you end up fueling it!

Maybe you are in a similar place as me, you’ve started your business and you are just managing make ends meet. This can be a long season, showing up every day and being faithful while you invest your time and work. But rest assured, God will bless the product of your hands. Not immediately (typically), but if you will be faithful with what He blesses you with, He will bless you with much, much more! Make the most of this opportunity to invest and grow. God is in the details and He sees what you are doing!

Perhaps you are single and have been for a long time. Know that you are not forgotten. People might say that all the good ones are gone, but rest assured, if God has placed in your heart the promise of a good one, He will fulfill that promise in His perfect time. Waiting for the right person isn’t punishment and doesn’t have to be hard and draining. Again, focus on the end goal. Make the most of the here and now. Help others and serve God well where you are.

I promise you, God keeps His promises.

There’s a verse I particularly love about waiting:

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay.” – Habakkuk 2:3

I know I’ve shared this verse before, but I also know that we can be impatient. Let me just encourage you now to find contentment, to make the most of your life. But in this contentment and joy, also anticipate your dreams. Ask God to make His remarkable plans for you the dreams that you long for and pray about. And know that in all the waiting, the fruition of them isn’t off course, isn’t slow coming. Just wait. Peacefully, joyfully, confidently. Those dreams are on the way and they will not and cannot be delayed by anything.

Isn’t that incredibly encouraging and amazing? Wherever you are and whatever you are anticipating, definitely pray about and look forward to. But also enjoy your here and now. Make the most of it. Your life is completely unique and designed exclusively for you by a God that loves you more than you can fathom.

Until Next Time!


PS. I talk more about this verse here: – enjoy!

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