Green Pastures Ahead

No matter what you are going through right now, I am delighted to tell you that there are green pastures ahead!

I realize that I have found myself in conversations with others recently and the underlying theme is “it’s always something.” Typically this is in response to a struggle or concern that the individual or the individual’s family member is going through. And I get that. I appreciate the effort to take it in stride and keep pressing on.

But here’s a new take on a familiar story: you have green pastures ahead!

Now I am working under the blind assumption that you are pursuing God in your efforts. You are giving your best and doing your best to follow His lead.

Let’s make believe we’re sitting together visiting now. You share your struggles or concerns and I share mine. But instead of summing up our conversation with the brave (?) “it’s always something”, let’s sum it up a new way! Let’s leave this chat built up and filled with hope!

Yes, we are going through some struggles, but let us remember, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”

God is God, let’s leave the details and the worries with Him – He’s terrific with that sort of thing!

“He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters.”

Green pastures and quiet waters? That sounds amazingly peaceful and restful! So when we cast our cares on Him, He fills us with His peace!

“He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.”

Once we cast our cares on Him, accept His peace, the grace He gives, He restores our souls. That means He encourages our hearts. He fills us with His strength! And then He guides us. He never forsakes us – that’s not who He is.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

The valley of the shadow of death – that represents our most disheartening trials. The tragedies that occur, the heartbreaking things that happen in life. But even through those times, we have no need to fear evil – He is ALWAYS with us. And we have His rod and His staff! I like to think of those as one to lean on and the other to defend myself with. He’s got me and He’s got you too. He never forsakes us.

“You prepare a table for me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; my cup overflows.”

So after this trial, this particularly trying time, He brings us through it. And then He prepares a special place for us – right in the middle of everyone. It’s not a private victory, but rather a public victory. And He sets you up where everyone can see, especially the naysayers. He doesn’t do this to make you proud, but to show His might and His strength. Not only does He prepare this victory, this table, this solution that only He can, but He also fills your cup to overflowing! Not an adequate amount, not a generous amount, but overflowing!

“Surely goodness and lovingkindness [mercy] will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the House of the Lord forever.”

When we focus on Him, knowing He knows best, we can be sure that goodness and lovingkindness (or as another translation phrased it, mercy) will follow us all the days of our life! Not just the good days, not just the days when everything is falling apart, but all the days of our lives! When we adopt this way of thinking, we are claiming our place in the house of the Lord! May we remember this and live it forever!

So next time you hear or are tempted to use that phrase, “it’s always something”, remember Psalm 23.

Until Next Time!


PS. It’s winter and windy outside right now which makes the visual of green pastures ahead even more beautiful! I pray these words encourage you and fill you with hope!

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2 Replies to “Green Pastures Ahead”

  1. Psalm 23! Of Course – such a terrific reminder! Well done, again! Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much! It was such an encouragement and I had to share it!

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