Word of the Year

Happy 2020! Have you picked your word of the year yet? I confess I hadn’t until just today.

Having a word of the year isn’t vital. Your work and your days won’t be so very different if you don’t have one. On the other hand, having a word can help steer you toward your goals! A simple word can steer everyday simple decisions and help you pursue your dreams!

Why do you choose a word of the year?

I’ve shared the idea behind having a word of the year to focus on before. It’s not critical that you “finish” with your previous word of the year on December 31st and “begin” with your new word on January 1st.

The idea is rather that after a length of time the word that you previously used to inspire and motivate you has led you to a certain stage in life and it is time to choose a new word to take you yet further!

Choose your own

This one is important to me – choose your own word. You will find that many people have excellent ideas and words that almost work for you. But instead of adopting their word, choose your own.

I have read several examples of words ladies have chosen for 2020. One lady chose Less/More (and she even made an emphasis on how the words ran together so thus counted as a single word, not two! Somehow, I completely identified with that!)

Another lady chose the word Bold. She feels that she’s not been fully herself, she’s set aside a bit of personality so as not to be too overpowering. Not in a large way, but enough of a way that she wants to remember to be more boldly whom she was created to be! I like this word too, but it’s not quite right for me either.

How do you choose?

I don’t really think there is a right or wrong here, but somehow knowing how another went about her choice really helps.

Personally, partially borrowing from the Less/More and Bold ideas above, I found my word by looking at what I wanted to experience less of in 2020.

Apprehension. That is specifically what I want to avoid and leave behind. Sometimes apprehension is subtle and other times it is more aggressive. I’ve had enough of it. That doesn’t mean that I’m abandoning caution, simply that I’m finding my joy again!

Perhaps you know what you want to experience more – maybe it’s laughter, sunshine, or fellowship. When you give it careful thought you are sure to have an inkling pop into your mind!

So think about it. What do you want to experience more or less in 2020? More enjoying where you are going and less worry as to what you are leaving behind. Less dwelling on your faults and more delighting in God’s forgiveness. More thoughts of hope and less worrisome thoughts. More faith and less fear.

Pray about your word and pay attention to what God brings to mind. 2020 might be like any other year, or perhaps it will be the year that things really happen!

Let me know what your word is so I can cheer you on!

Until Next Time!


PS. Curious what my word is? Assurance. Because I have God’s Assurance that He will be with me where He leads me. Assurance has a hint of boldness and confidence. And it also reminds me of one of my favorite hymns: Blessed Assurance!

Keep reading about the word of the year: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2017/05/31/choosing-your-word-of-the-year/

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