Choosing Gratitude

Choosing Gratitude

Thanksgiving is such a special time of year. It marks the beginning of the holidays and reminds us of the importance of choosing gratitude. It gives us the opportunity to pause and realize what’s truly important: our faith and our family.

I’ve heard stories of the first Thanksgiving in the New World. Accounts of the trip to the New World just astound me. It is so admirable how courageous our forefathers were to brave the extreme conditions and unknowns to give their family the freedom to practice their faith in the way they saw fit.

It is said that on the voyage across the sea, that the ocean was so cold, you would have died within three minutes of exposure in it. Or that the storms that rocked the boat literally caused the mast of the ship to dip into the ocean, only to upright itself to tip and dip into the ocean on the other side.

I cannot even imagine. What courage our forefathers had! I so admire their determination to pursue a better life for their family! What a gift they gave us – and we are still benefiting from it so many years later!


Looking back, reading the story of the first Thanksgiving, it would seem there wasn’t much to give thanks for. More than half of the 100+ people who came to the New World had died over the first winter. Every family lost loved ones. What on earth did they have to be thankful for?

But I think they knew that this was just the beginning. God didn’t lead them here to desert them. They knew if they would stay in faith, God would show Himself strong. And so He did!

The first winter passed, spring came, and the colonists began to garden. They learned to hunt and fish. As harvest approached the next year, they had an abundance. Truly more than they could ask for or imagine.

And isn’t that how it is with us? Though I can’t imagine we have faced anything as extreme and challenging as the early settlers, I know we have all had our own challenges. Circumstances and perhaps even people who have only added to our struggles. But let us take a lesson from our forefathers and step up to the life for which God has created us. We are only as weak as we allow ourselves to be. God has fully equipped us for what He has called us to – it is simply up to us to claim the strength He so generously gives and pursue His purpose.

Choosing Gratitude

And this all comes together gorgeously with some paperwork I want to share with you! We are going over a book together in church and it lists a long (85, maybe?) list of qualities that one should have. Courage, Loving, Thrifty, Compassionate, etc

You are supposed to choose the qualities which resonate the strongest with you. Then, after going through the list, you are supposed to list the one that is most important to you.

How do you even begin to choose Bravery over being Loving or Grateful? It is a hard choice. But after much thought and prayer, I came back to Grateful.

To me, being grateful is of the utmost importance. Is it the most important thing in the world? No, but it is something I want to really practice and focus on in this season.

Just like most of the qualities listed, gratitude isn’t one-dimensional. It’s not just saying thanks and being done – it goes so much deeper. Gratitude is shown by being kind and honest. It honors and shows respect. It is sincere and humble.

True gratitude enters into so many areas of life. It is the antidote for a bad attitude or feelings of inferiority. Depression can be overcome by simply acknowledging ways others have helped you and writing them thank you notes. The simple fact that God chose you before the foundations of the world should trigger an enormous amount of gratitude! We just need to tap into it!

May this Thanksgiving find you extra grateful – for your faith and for your family! Be sure to show your thanks not only through your words, but also through your actions!

I especially want you all to know I am grateful for each of you! Through your kind words, comments, and hand-written notes you truly inspire and encourage me! Thank you so much!

Happy Thanksgiving!


PS. A while back I shared a list of 50 Things that Make Me Happy! Read it here: …perhaps next we should create a list of 50 Things for which we are Grateful! That would be inspiring (and a good challenge!)!

2 Replies to “Choosing Gratitude”

  1. Kandy H Burdick says: Reply

    I especially liked what you said about ‘staying in faith so God can show Himself strong in us’. Wow! That’s quite the thought …

    Love you!

    1. (How am I just seeing this? – I apologize for the slow response!) Thank you so much! I love you!

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