You Never Know

You never know who you are impacting, so be extra sure to be your best - to have kind responses, to encourage others - and be sure to smile!

You never know who’s quietly watching and noticing what you do. Whether you’re at home, at work, or writing a blog. People see and take note. You affect the lives of more than you realize. This never ceases to surprise me.

I am the youngest of eight, so if any person ever had the chance to be kept an eye on, it would be me. The joke was that I had multiple “mamas” (older sisters) helping to keep me straight. It can be hard to accomplish anything ambitious (read: naughty) with that many people around ready to report on said “ambitiousness”!

Years later, we’re all grown, and we all have our own life and jobs. Several of us live close to each other, but the “reporting” of our younger years is past. We enjoy chatting together and keeping up with what is going on, but each of our lives keeps us pretty busy.

Where we used to know we had a lot of eyes watching us when we were growing up – I mean we just want to help make sure our siblings behave, right? – we might think others don’t really notice. But that’s simply not the case. You never know who is watching, taking notes, and forming opinions of you. The simplest things can have the most profound impacts.

I know that watching people has an impact on me. When I see a family – Daddy, Mama, and several children – walk down the street with combed hair and tidy clothes, it warms my heart! “Ooh, I want that someday – what a sweet little family,” I think.

The other day as I was leaving the shop, a man yelled at me (people really don’t typically yell at me). At the time, I was down about something and his yelling at me just seemed to add insult to injury. Really? I thought. But it’s all good. Life goes on. Maybe he was hungry, so thus grumpy. Perhaps he truly felt that I was at fault. At any rate, I don’t even know who he was and I doubt it will ever be a problem again. And another opinion is formed.

You never know who you are impacting, so be extra sure to be your best – to have kind responses, to encourage others – and be sure to smile. Smiling truly is one of the nicest things you can do – not only for those around you, but for yourself!

And most importantly, whether or not people see your efforts or take note of them, remember God sees and knows all. If that isn’t the strongest motivator to be your best, then I don’t know what is!

Do life well. Show kindness and thoughtfulness. Speak well of others and expect the best. Even when it seems as if no one is watching or as if no one will know. God always sees and knows and He needs you to be your best!

I hope this encourages and inspires you to be extra intentional with your words and attitudes. You never know who is watching!

Until Next Time!


PS. The American Lady blog is now three years old! I’m so glad you found it and I hope it has been a blessing to you! Feel free to share it with family or friends who might benefit from it! Want to read the very first post? Here it is:

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