Reconsider the Obvious

Reconsider the Obvious - How often do we search high and low only to find the solution in front of us and ridiculously obvious!

Sometimes my ideas and stories are more inspiring than others. And then other times they are terribly obvious. Thus the title, Reconsider the Obvious.

I was standing there pondering white teeth. Or perhaps I was sitting, I really don’t recall and it isn’t imperative to the story…

White teeth…I know, a deep, intriguing topic, but that’s the truth of it! I’ve tried several different products and I’ve never seen “wow” results.

How do some people have such white teeth, I couldn’t help wondering. Sure I’ve heard of bleaching your teeth or giving up coffee, but both of those seemed too extreme for me.

Again, I went back to thinking it over. What do I need to change to help my teeth appear whiter?

I like to keep a pretty tight budget, but if you introduce me to something that will really yield desired results – such as white teeth – I’m willing to consider them.

And then the obvious hit me. I should brush my teeth more often throughout the day. Someone pointed out to me that if I brush my teeth and then act as if the toothpaste is mouthwash for a moment (without swallowing, of course!) it makes a significant difference!

The irony of this hit me and I thought it worth sharing.

How often do we search high and low only to find the solution in front of us and ridiculously obvious!

No matter what you are looking or working towards, reconsider the obvious. So often the solution we seek comes back to the basics, the obvious.

The floor is dirty – just clean it.

Your room is messy – tidy up and create good habits so that it doesn’t get disorganized again.

Don’t get stuck like me overthinking a solution when the obvious is right in front of you. Consider products that will help you accomplish the results you desire, but remember to go back to the basics so that you can be sure that you are accomplishing the desired result most efficiently.

Taking the time to reconsider the obvious – to consider the simplest, most obvious solution – might feel counterproductive, but it just might be the answer for which you’ve been looking!

Until Next Time!


PS. Short and sweet, but I hope this reminder is a blessing to you! Feel free to leave me a note below!

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