Step into Your Dreams

What would it mean to step into your dreams?! The potential that this question held excited me very much, but it almost frightened me too. What would it mean to take bold, decisive steps to pursue things that interested and fascinated me?

Not so long ago, this idea presented itself to me. What would it mean to step into your dreams?! The potential that this question held excited me very much, but it almost frightened me too. What would it mean to take bold, decisive steps to pursue things that interested and fascinated me?

Somehow I think I had believed that life would happen as it was intended to. There would be a sequence of events that occurred just like in my parent’s and older sisters lives. They graduated high school, got married, and started a family. That sounded just right to me and I looked forward to the day when it would be my turn. And more than a decade later I found myself still waiting. I had graduated, gone on to work from home, but couldn’t feel much further from marriage and having my own family. What was I supposed to do with myself, I pondered.

I had interests certainly, most people do. But I felt like I was timid and lacked the boldness to really own where I was in life. I know God has a perfect plan for me, and I am sure at some point it will include a husband and children, but what does He expect of me right now? I began to seriously ponder this. As I began to formulate an idea of what this new role held, I asked my parents for their input. I wanted to seek their counsel and their guidance as I learned to navigate a role that we hadn’t had played out before in our family.

My prayers led me to be aware that I need to take work more seriously, that I needed to take more responsibility on myself and that I needed to fill this new role. I wanted to set an encouraging example to all my nieces who might find themselves in my spot one day – past graduating but not yet married.

It has been exciting and at times almost unbelievable to see all that God has laid out for me, and for us as a family. This new perspective effected how I look at life and what I believe God requires of me. He needs me, really He needs all of us, to step forward in faith where He leads. We must do this under the protection of our authority of course, but we must do it! Even if we aren’t pushed, we must push ourselves.

Do you know what happened when I began to do this? I began to feel like my own person. I began making deliberate decisions and faithfully pursuing opportunities. If opportunities didn’t present themselves, I searched for them. I want so much to give God my best and give Him my all. I remembered and stepped into the belief that He made me the way I am purposefully. He needs me to fill a role that only I can fill. Yes, we still need to be courteous and thoughtful of others, but we must be fully who He created us to be.

Once I realized this, I wanted to share it with others. As I shared it with my parents I sought their input. It was an exciting conversation as we discussed these ideas! Part of the joy of stepping into your dreams is allowing others to step into theirs. And that’s what this and other conversations since then have done! They have served as reminders to many that we can fully be who God has created us to be. No need to stifle or deprive ourselves.

Pursue God and He will guide your way. I truly believe that and see the reality of it time and time again. You will be astounded how exciting life can be! True, it takes a lot of work and you will face a lot of set backs. Always get back up and get back on track! You won’t believe how far this will take you! Now go step into your dreams!

Until Next Time!


PS. Before you can step into your dreams, you have to realize just what your dreams are! Give this serious thought and prayer – and remember to think big!

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