Every Moment Counts

Every moment is leading you to the next. Isn't that an incredible thought? Let me tell you a secret about your take on it – it’s up to you to decide how ....

Every moment is leading you to the next. Isn’t that an incredible thought?

Perhaps you don’t quite know how you got to where you are. Is it remarkable where you are now? Or underwhelming?

Let me tell you a secret about your take on it – it’s up to you to decide how you want to see it! Once you can wrap your your mind around that, then you can truly appreciate where you are in life.

That’s what I have had to do – more than once! This decision to make the most out of where I am takes me from a mediocre outlook into a remarkable appreciation for my life as it is! True, I press onward and upward pursuing what is ahead, but I appreciate where I am and those around me!

How did you get here?

How did you get where you are right now? Perhaps you went through several years of college and now you are working a job and paying off loans. Or maybe you married your high school sweetheart and now several years later you are raising a sweet little family.

Each of our lives and stories have a purpose and we haven’t landed where we currently are by accident – rather by design. God has scripted out every moment of our lives and each of them is essential in us growing into who He has created us to be.

I love to look back and realize all the steps that have led me to where I am. It amazes me. Each piece of my puzzle had to fall into place just so for things to work out. Was it easy, you might wonder. And no, I’ve found growing to hold difficulties and struggles.

But each of those struggles have drawn me closer to God. They have given me more of an understanding of who He needs me to be. And through these growing pains, I can’t help but remember Christ’s wording when He said, “My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed or discouraged, I love to recall that verse and to remember that as long as I pursue God and His will, my burden will be light. He always makes a way for me and He never fails to direct me – through events, opportunities, counsel, and many other ways.

Be bold enough to ask

Let me encourage you to be bold enough to ask God what His plans are for you. Ask Him to reveal what He wants from you through opportunities and direction.

I love to read in the Bible when Isaiah boldly volunteered to give God’s people His message. That was truly inspiring to me! God wondered who would deliver His message and Isaiah boldly stood up and volunteered! How impressive is that!

The other day, on my drive into work, I was praying along these lines. I was thanking God that He was orchestrating my life and for all the remarkable ways He had lined things up for me. His attention to detail truly fascinates me!

As I drove along, I acknowledged that though some things had been quite difficult (obviously not any more difficult than anyone else goes through – just difficult personally), I knew that it was good and that I loved how it steered my path. I asked God to continue to lead me in such a way and to please fortify me so that I would be brave and strong through the struggles.

Taking time to talk with God like this means so much to me. I want to be courageous and bold for Him and I want to encourage you to be also!

For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.  – 2 Chronicles 16:9a

Make Every Moment Count

Now let me just encourage you to make every moment count! Pursue excellence, be courageous and live with a grateful heart knowing that God has an amazing life laid out for you!

There’s a quote in the business world – something along the lines of “Your dreams don’t work unless you do”. The same philosophy can be applied to your life along the lines of “Best intentions don’t work unless you do”.

It is up to you to make every moment count. You must appreciate who and where you are before you can expect to be promoted and propelled forward!

Now the ball is in your court – how will you make every moment count? I’d love it if you shared below!

Until Next Time!


PS. Remember how I referenced a light burden? Read about it here: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2018/01/17/easy-way-light-burden/

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