Books that Inspire Success and Enthusiasm

Books that Inspire Success and Enthusiasm

My parents taught us children years ago that constant self-improvement was a necessary habit in life. I’m so incredibly grateful for this, because a positive influence is important and most edifying! When I was younger, I used to enjoy reading about different celebrities – the Olsen twins – or some such. The Olsen twins were just a little older than me and on an occasion or two I was compared to them, so it was rather fun for me to keep up with what they were doing – harmless enough, right? Wrong.

Celebrity articles, fan magazines, etc, are no place for an impressionable young girl to be putting her focus. I was cautious what I looked at, and yet, not surprisingly, inappropriate things might go by. I would finish those fan articles (or sometimes not even finish them depending on the content) feeling disappointed and as if I had wasted my time. When looking them up, I simply hoped to find a fun article and a pretty picture, and rarely, if ever did I finish them feeling refreshed and with a time-well-spent mentality.

And then we began to read a Tommy Newberry book together – if you aren’t familiar with him you really ought to look him up! One of his books talks about living a joy-filled life. In it, he says that it is so important what you spend your time on, what you read and listen to. What you consume will become evident. In other words, what you read, will become your attitude and thoughts. His analogy: trash (unedifying content) in, trash out. But on the other hand, if you are good to fill your mind and thoughts with good things, that also will be reflected in your attitude and speech.

I had a real ah-ha moment then – those articles, the ones that left me feeling like I had wasted time, they were trash. They didn’t leave me inspired, enthused or excited! I made a commitment to myself then and there that, instead of spending time learning about celebrities, I’d would spend my time on something that was in line with what I wanted to become!

I’ve been so grateful for that decision, the ability to recognize and choose a better way to spend my time! And I am grateful to Tommy Newberry for writing a book that helped me better understand where I was wasting my time and attention!

Tommy Newberry

Tommy Newberry is one of my favorite self-help, self-improvement coaches. He has written several books – two of which I definitely recommend.

Success is not an Accident – I’ve read this book multiply times. I’ve found it most helpful with goal setting and just living purposefully overall. Though I haven’t read it in several years, one part that stuck with me were suggestions he gave to make simple efforts to live with more energy and enthusiasm. Walk 25% faster, he suggests. Kind of a funny thing to mention, I thought, but I found that he was so correct!

When I walk faster, I am more excited about where I am going! I am more alert and eager to get there. When I just walk along at a more relaxed speed, I don’t have the same purpose and energy in my step. No, I don’t run around like a crazy person – and when I’m enjoying a walk, I take the time to simply enjoy the walk. But when I’m working or getting things done, I have a purposeful pep in my step!

Another suggestion that he makes is to think energizing thoughts! Again simple, but so effective! When you are feeling a hint hazy and think to yourself just how sleepy and tired you are, the more tired and sleepy you will become. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you yawned just about now…! But snap out of it! Think energizing thoughts! Think about just how alert you feel! Consider how clear and concise your thoughts are! Aren’t you excited about up and coming opportunities?! Thinking energizing thoughts is like taking a breath of fresh air!

40 Days to a Joy-Filled Life

This is another book by Tommy Newberry. Each chapter has some form of encouragement followed by questions for how to apply what you have just learned! I love the practical reminders and the encouragement in his book. So much of what he writes I find that I know, I just need the reminder!

One chapter that I specifically remember is “That’s why dogs bark”. He talks about dogs and barking. They bark because that is what they are wired to do. Their barking can be an annoyance or sometimes it can alert us to danger. For us to be surprised about it or be annoyed at them for doing what they are created to do is rather ridiculous really. Yes, we should definitely train them, but to let their behaving as they are created to behave frustrate us is only going to irritate us unduly!

And we can apply this same line of thought to people. Some people are wired to be gracious and outgoing, while it simply does not come naturally to others. Two people can say the exact same thing and it can come out completely differently. Not that they mean it differently, just their presentation is going to be unique. And again, we should definitely strive to be kind and gentle, and encourage others to improve themselves also. Each one of us is a work in progress. If we are not seeking to improve, we are backsliding – there is no middle ground.

Christy Wright

More recently, I’ve discovered Christy Wright. She has written the Business Boutique and it is focused on helping women succeed in business. I’ve read a handful of business books in my life, but to read one written by a woman, directed at women, was so helpful! Women are wired differently than men. They have so many more emotions and feelings tied up in business (and in life!) then men, and to read about ways to embrace being a woman, and also succeed in business is encouraging! Everything in life can be seen as either an excuse or an opportunity, and Christy is really good at pointing out the opportunity!

Confidence, a positive mindset, and enthusiasm are all key factors in building a successful business. Christy encourages women to remember their worth and confidently stand by their products and services.

One humorous example she gave was how women aren’t typically very good at conveying their prices to their customers. “Umm, yeah, it’s $50,” Christy begins in her example. “But we can just do $25, you know, if that’s okay….or even just $10, later….or maybe we can even just do a high five and a fist bump and that will be enough….” Of course this isn’t a 100% real life scenario (hopefully), but we need to grow a confidence in what we do.

God has designed each of us for a purpose and it is uniquely ours to fill. We can either do that apologetically while we barely scrape by, or we can stand tall and boldly fill that role that God created specifically with us in mind! I want to be that second person – and I bet you do too!

Another great takeaway from Christy:

“What is a business that doesn’t make money? Out of business.”

What Inspires You?

What books encourage you? Do you have some favorites that you go back to from time to time for the positive reinforcement? I’d love it if you’d share!

Are you a podcast listener? I’m rather new to them (I know, I know, they’ve been around for ages!), but I have found Christy Wright’s podcast to be quite informative – and a hint humorous too! Once I catch up with Christy’s podcast, I want to tune in to Tommy Newberry’s too!

Many people commute to and from work and listen to their audiobooks and podcasts then, but if you’re like me and work from home, it can be a bit tricky to find an opportunity to squeeze the time in to listen. I’ve started listening to it while I curl my hair and put on makeup in the morning. Though that time slot won’t work for everyone – and to be honest, it doesn’t always work for me – but it is important to make the time if it is important to you!

Be sure to let me know how you like Christy Wright and Tommy Newberry! I hope they are a fresh and encouraging resource for you! Be sure to share some of your favorites with me!

Until Next Time!


PS. This isn’t the first self-improvement book I’ve shared on the blog! Be sure to read all about Emily Ley’s book here: Grace Not Perfection

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