About the Author

About the Author

Hello! I am Hope and this is my blog, The American Lady. I admire elegance, grace, kindness, and beauty. I want to invite you in, to read this blog, to share it with your friends, and to consider contributing to it.

Life is largely based on your perspective – you can see it as dismal, a struggle, and difficult. Or you can see it as a thing of beauty, a remarkable opportunity, and a thrilling adventure! I see it as the latter, not because my life has been perfect or easy, but because a positive perspective is incredibly important if you want to live a joy-filled and happy life!

First Memories

My earliest memories begin with exercising (I’m not sure many people can say that!). You see, I was slow to learn to sit, crawl, and walk – luckily though, talking was second nature, no struggles there! {wink!} But instead of just “accepting” that was how I was made, my parents taught me to exercise, to overcome struggles and to be all that I can be! And I could not be more grateful for that!

After years of exercising, I slowly began to learn to walk! I remember telling a friend when I was seven years old, “I can take 67 steps in a row!”. That, to me, was a huge accomplishment! Years passed. I had my own unique set of struggles, just as we all do, and I struggled with self-consciousness. In my mind, my struggles were so obvious – they were physical and I couldn’t hide them. I say this, not to look for pity, but to say that we all have our own set of difficulties – things that we have to learn to give to God, to use for His glory, and to accept gracefully if we want to live remarkable lives for Him!

Overcoming Struggles

When I was seventeen, I learned that I had a severe case of scoliosis. This was thirteen years ago, but I still remember the frustration and sadness I felt when I learned of it. I think I was beginning to get past my physical struggles, learning to not see them as quite so discouraging. I was beginning to accept and grow in who I was created to be. To me, growing in who you are is vital. You mustn’t just accept your struggles or weaknesses, but rather accept them and then refine and improve on them!

Less than a year after learning of my scoliosis, I had spinal surgery to help correct it. In preparation for the surgery, my father printed me many stories written by young girls who had gone through spinal surgery. I remember reading them thinking, someday I’ll write my story down to encourage others. I couldn’t imagine how long in the future it would be, but I knew that just like these girls before me, I wanted to encourage others who came after me. Life is about so much more than you and your story. It’s about what you do in your story – how you serve God and others.

My Why

This blog began as a suggestion from my father. I took that suggestion and ran with it!

Why? I want to encourage ladies, young and old, to fill them with a drive and enthusiasm for the life God has uniquely designed for them! I want to inspire them to be remarkable, not get stuck in a rut and just drift along! Each of us is created for a purpose and it is our duty to enthusiastically pursue it!

Growing up, we had friends who were always “busy and tired”. Now I get having full days and being ready for a restful Sunday. But these friends were in their teens, they shouldn’t have been feeling such (rather depressing!) effects of life just yet. But there and then, I decided that must never become my response! Isn’t it funny how some people can inspire such polar-opposite behavior?! I decided I’d rather talk about how great I was doing, and express it with enthusiasm and energy! Now I will be honest, come the end of the week, I do feel quite ready for a Sunday afternoon nap, but that is after a week full of work!

I also want to encourage ladies to fill their life with lovely things. Girls and woman were created for beauty – to be beautiful and to delight in beautiful things! God created us that way on purpose and we ought to embrace it and delight in it! This beauty isn’t just about picture perfect makeup and hair, though a lovely appearance is important. But also, and more importantly, a beautiful heart and attitude.

I’ve seen girls with seemingly “perfect” looks on the outside, but a light isn’t in their eyes, and this saddens me greatly. It is up to you to find that hidden light on the inside. The light that communicates more effectively than any words, that you are a child of God and that you live for Him. And I want to help you find this light. I want to help you realize your worth and value and your desire to live for God!

My Goal

Business planning involves identifying a goal, a focus to pursue. My goal in writing this blog, and in running my ladies clothing boutique, is to help women become comfortable with who and how they are. I want to be that woman who others admire as the person that you feel at ease around. The one that helps you accept yourself as you are, but at the same time helps you push the envelope to become all that you can be!

As I’ve shared my story, you’ve no doubt caught on that I have real and obvious physical struggles. But I’ve accepted them, not just as in “yeah, I am stuck with a limp“, but rather in a “this is how God designed me – unlike any other – He looked at me and chose me to be physical proof of His grace and love.” When I enter a room, the chip on my shoulder isn’t the first thing in the door, but rather, Lord willing, my bright eyes and smile! I want to light up a room with the confidence that I have in God and His plan!

And the physical struggles that I have don’t define me. Rather, they are here to refine me! They help me better identify with others – to help others become comfortable with who they are and how they are. Personally, I find that the more I accept how and where I am, the more things progress and advance!

So, if you are new to this blog, let me invite you in! Get comfy, grab a hot chocolate or a coffee and look around! Comment on a post, share it with your friends, or send me an email! I love connecting with other like-minded ladies!

I can’t wait to get to know you!


PS. Would you like to read The American Lady’s first blog post?! Introducing the American Lady: https://www.theamericanlady.com/2016/09/01/introducing-the-american-lady/

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